Chapter 4

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"Take That?" I had never heard of them before so I probably looked extremely confused.

"You know, back for good?" I shook my head. "Gary Barlow?" Again I shook my head. "Greatest day?" My eyes lit up.

"I think I know that one... it's my parent's wedding song! Wait hum it a second!" He began to hum the tune and then started singing....

"Today this could be, the greatest day of our lives..." I loved this song so much, it had always filled my heart with happiness. I couldn't help but just watch him from underneath my sunglasses, the way his mouth perfectly moved and how his smile was always present in some way or how his hair sat neatly, hanging evenly either side of his face. "Are you ok?" I had been interrupted from my daydream.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you just sort of... sat there, smiling and not saying anything?"

"Sorry, I just love that song, it has good memories." I smiled and took another sip of my drink.

"Was it you wedding song too?" He realised that he had asked a personal question and looked embarrassed. "I mean, if you are married of course which I'm not saying you wouldn't-"

"I'm not married no" I laughed to try and comfort him. As we sat, a band began to appear along the promenade we sat.

"Oh god, I feel so bad, I'm so sorry!"

"Honestly don't worry, I thought you were married too?"

"I was, we split up 2 years ago, I loved travelling too much so we ended it."

"Wow, I'm sorry to hear that-"

"Don't be, I'm much happier now!" The band had started to play traditional Spanish music as people began to spill out of their houses into the street. "Can I have this dance?" He put his arm out as he stood up, I couldn't refuse it.

"So you can dance ey?" We started with basic forward back steps, he had good timing and a sturdy grip on my lower back.

"Years of training you see," he poked his tongue out slightly and let out a small laugh. We kept dancing, for hours I just taught him new moves and he listened, we both became more relaxed with each other too. By 6:00 we were shattered. After dancing we grabbed a bite to eat and visited the market where he bought a few gifts. Then I showed him the local streets, filled with colour anx fine smells and finally we grabbed dinner, a beautiful meal sat on the balcony, looking out over the sea.

"So now you have experienced the everyday life of these people," I slumped myslef onto the seat of the bus.

"And I have lived every minute of it, thank you!" He sat beside me, nudging my shoulder with his and smiling.

"Denade." He laughed.

"Your accent is so beautiful, I want it." He looked down at his knees as though he was embarrassed.

"Thank you Mark, but yours is lovely too, especially when you sing.." I couldn't help but smile at myself.

"Denade," he smirked and we laughed, he was the nicest and mosy genuine guy I had ever met at the resort.

Half an hour later we had arrived back at the hotel. I had fallen asleep on his shoulder and he was gently shaking me to wake me up.

"Maria, we're back. Maria-" I suddenly woke up. He stood, grabbing my bag along with his. "Come on you," he gestured his head in the direction of the bus doors. As we stepped off, we walked back to the lobby where we would now say bye for the day. He passed me back my bag. "Thank you for a lovely day!" He smiled.

"No thank you, it was nice for my day off to be different." I smiled back. "Maybe we could do something else next Friday?"

"That sounds good, so I will see you tomorrow?" He waited eagerly for my reply.

"Yes, and I will see your friend too, you will need to introduce me!"

"Oh yes, he will love you don't worry," he half laughed, but for a moment we just looked at each other. I broke the silence-

"Night Mark... sorry, Owen." I winked and smiled.

"Bye Maria, thank you again." As we walked away I couldn't help but turn back to look at him. Why did I say maybe we could do something else next Friday? What was I thinking? I just couldn't wait to go to bed and sleep, ready for the day ahead.

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