Chapter 14

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I dropped my bags. He was still the gorgeous Mark I had met on holiday, who's singing voice lost me to his harmonies and his gentle touch melted me, missing his lips on mine.

"M-Mark I need to talk to you," I had started to shiver and my teeth chatter as the England air bit at me.

"I have someone round- but come in" his smile seemed fake as he gestured for me to enter. I picked up my bags but he took them off of me, leading me down a huge hallway filled with awards and pictures of these men. I took a quick look and one of them was Gary, it must be the band he was in. He led me to a kitchen, so big I didn't know where to stand.

"I'll just go put your bags... somewhere," he smiled again and walked out. As he left another man walked in, the one on the gate screen.

"Hi I'm Robbie," he put his hand out and I shook it.

"Hi Robbie I'm Maria."

"Oh... I should go then." He picked his coat up from the chair at the table.

"Wait no I didn't mean to disturb you guys- I can go-"

"No no I want you guys to sort this out, he won't admit it but you made his very happy so do anything in you will to get him back," he grabbed a piece of paper from one of Mark's drawer, "Call me if it doesn't work out." I slipped the paper in my pocket. Mark walked back in. "I'm off mate, need to pop in and see Howard and the kids for his little girl's birthday, nice to meet you Maria!" he smiled at me and nudged Mark on the shoulder who nodded.

"Later Rob, nice to see you," so now it was just us. Mark passed me one of his jumpers to put on. "You look cold, clearly didn't pack for English weather ey," he smiled and I smiled back, slipping the jumper over my head. It was so warm and smelt just like Mark. "Drink?"

"Do you have anything warm?" He opened one of the cupboards.

"Hot chocolate?" he pulled out two mugs from another cupboard.

"I'll try it, does it just taste like melted chocolate?"

"Maria you haven't lived, I will make you a Mark special. Please take a seat." I moved over to the island in the kitchen and sat at one of the stools. As he made the drink I couldn't help but see a plane ticket on the table. I moved it slightly to see when and where. The 23rd November, 2 weeks from now... back to Spain. Underneath was a brochure... my resort! He was coming back. Before I knew it he had placed the drink before me.

"Mmmm thank you," I wrapped my arms around it to keep warm.

"How did you get my address? Actually, stupid question."

"Yeah.. Gary haha! Mark I'm sorry, I didn't mean to react like that, I'm not used to this sort of thing and I was just angry about everything, I really am sorry-"

"So am I. I'm sorry I left you like that, I'm British, we do that sort of thing," he smiled apologetically. I couldn't take my eyes off of his. "Finish up your drink Maria, don't let it go to waste." I laughed and drank it quickly as the warmth warmed my insides.

"That was delicious, thank you."

"So is there anything you wanted to do, I mean I haven't been shopping so I guess I'll have to take you out for dinner." He finally gave me the Mark smile I had missed.

"Only problem is... I only have clothes like this-" I was only wearing something short with snadals.

"Ok, well I will take you shopping and then dinner, how about that?" My face was struck with worry when I realised I had no money. "I'm paying!"

"No Mark-"

"Come on, lets get you something a little warmer out of the wardrobe, I must have something." I can't believe this was happening, but I still wanted to kiss him, it was as though he had avoided it.

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