Chapter 16

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Mark had paid for the clothes and once again helped me back into the car, closing the door behind me and getting in himself.

"Thank you so much for the clothes... how much do I-"

"Nothing, it's my treat for you because you don't get treated enough." He kept his eyes on the road and we didn't make eye contact, but he made me smile. He was just about the speak before my phone rang.

"Maria, what are you doing?" It was Reuben.

"I'm in England."

"Why? What's happened with the job? Is everything ok?"

"Stop panicking... I'm fine, can I call you later and talk about it?" I could feel myself going red as Mark listened to the conversation.

"Maria I need to know now-"

"She's with me mate, don't worry I'll keep her safe," Mark spoke gently into the phone before leaning back and driving. I couldn't help but smile.

"I see," I could tell he was smirking. He changed into Spanish as he ended the conversation, "Be safe Maria, I can't help you remember and please don't lose your job otherwise you'll have to fly here and I'll look after you. I miss you lots and oh I forgot, Lila is pregnant."

"Congratulations sweet, I'm so happy for you both! Send her my love." With that he hung up the phone, leaving me with Mark.

"Was he ok?" We were pulling into the drive.

"Yeah yeah, his girlfriend is pregnant, they couldn't have kids at first so it's a huge thing for them." I opened the door to get out the car as Mark grabbed my bags from the boot.

"Oh wow that's amazing, that's like Gaz, they can't have kids."

"Really?" I followed behind Mark as he dropped the bags on the work top and instantly flung open the cupboards to reveal a bottle of wine.

"Yeah, they keep trying but no luck, that's why they went away, to get their minds off it. Drink?"

"Ooo yes please," I pulled the stool from under the table.

"Nuh uh! You've got to show me your new clothes."

"What now?" I laughed before realising he was being serious.

"Well I've got to know my money was well spent. There's a bathroom just next door, pop in there." so I grabbed the clothes, poking my tongue out as he laughed and headed to the bathroom. I showed him all my outfits before changing into the jeans and a jumper to stay warm for the evening. As I came back out he placed the phone down.

"I ordered a Chinese meal, is that good?"

"I've never had it but I'm sure it'll be delicious!" He froze for a minute then headed closer to me.

"Maria, you really haven't lived, no hot chocolate or Chinese, what else?" He stood right before me, looking me dead in the eyes, his sparking green eyes turning me slightly. He was beautiful.

"No- I guess not, especially as I've never felt like this." he smiled at me, before brushing my hair begin my ears and leaning in to kiss me, gently moving his lips up and down, his gentle touch on my lips and his tongue pierced through, playing with mine. He then grabbed my hips and lifted me onto the work top, still kissing me. Hands smoothed up and down my legs as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It was heaven and I was ignoring the fact we still barely knew each other, I didn't care. We were disturbed by the gate buzzing. Mark pulled away,

"Dinners here, you go find the living room and make yourself at home, I'll grab the meal." So that is what I did. When I found the room it was huge, with two large brown leather sofas before a fire, an armchair on the other side and a tv hung above the fire. Around the room were candles, so I found the lighter sitting on the side and lit them all, before Mark walked in and smiled.

"Oh you're too perfect," he kissed my cheek, placing the food on the coffee table. Tucking into the foot, Mark reached for the radio and quietly had classical music playing in the background. "So please tell me more about you."

"Me?" I laughed. "There's not much to know really."

"Oh come on there must be," his eyes pierced through my head, it was like being in a trance.

"I promise you, I grew up over here, my parents couldn't work, so I moved to Spain when I could to work."

"That's it?" He seemed disappointed.

"That's it!"

"Hmm I for believe you, I'll get it out of you, just you wait."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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