Chapter 1

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Hello Take That fans, I am starting a new mark story that will hopefully be better than the ĺast. Sorry I have not finished the others it's just I lose interest even though I'm so grateful that lots of you liked them but here's another for you!

Tonight I had a late shift, which meant I had to help with the evening entertainment. I lead the holiday makers into the small theatre to watch the cheesy act that the resort had paid for that night. I was hot, tired and desperate to go back to my room but I loved my job and didn't want to give it up.

"Oh, urm hola Maria... where can I get a drink in here?" A lady asked me mid the singing act. She was new on holiday clearly and was probably the only person ever to bother reading my name tag.

"Just through those doors madame, " I pointed and smiled.

"Ooo gracias, silly me," she laughed and wandered out the doors of the hot, stuffy theatre to the open air. I worked in a Spanish holiday resort and luckily I am half spanish so I know the language well. I can also speak French and Italian but that is all part of the job. And of course English but that is my first language. I had only worked here for 3 months but already felt part of the spanish family and just needed enough money to get my parents back over here, especially my dad who wanted to safely live back here, without any of the gang business he was involved in.

The show had ended and the crowd were fighting the leave the theatre to feel a touch of warm breeze on their tanned skin. I followed behind them all, ready to introduce the next activity...

"Si si si, hola!" I had all the holidaymakers shout back to me. "Hello everyone, I am Maria and tonight I am you entertainer, along with Luca, Juan, Andrèa and Ruben!" They all clapped as I continued to smile. "So tonight, for the next hour we have our karaoke night and already I have a long list of names..." I then said it in Spanish and Ruben took over the speaking as I went round signing up names.

Half an hour had passed and already I had endured enough pain from the awful singing that had been ringing through my ears. Next up was a man called 'Owen,' definitely a brit I thought, with the name Owen. He stood up to sing 'American Pie,' my most favourite song, but I didn't want him to ruin it for me. I stood up and handed him the mic.

"Thanks," he flashed a sweet grin at him, he looked familiar but I thought nothing of it. The music began and his voice softly seaped from his lips. Wow! His voice was gorgeous, soft and had a touch of elegance about it. I was mesmerised and hadn't even realised the song had ended. I clapped and stood back up to take the microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I think we have a karaeoke champion right here." I grabbed his wrist and lifted his arm as everyone clapped. "So tell us you name and where you come from."

"Hola I am Owen and I come from England." All the brits in the audience cheered loudly for him. He looked so happy with himself.

"Ok Owen, so your prize is a 2 person ticket to our finest hotel cuisine, the exclusive restaurant that you don't have to pay for." Everyone laughed because they didn't have to pay for anything in the resort. "I am joking, you have won a day trip to the local dolphin swimming with a plus one, how does that sound?"

"Thank you," he laughed and again smiled at me but this time the eye contact remained.

"Now that is all from us tonight, come see us at the main pool tomorrow for our water zumba, dance classes and water polo with us and the rest of the team. Goodnight from the entertainment team, we hope you have a lovely evening." Everyone clapped as we cleared up outside, before heading to my room ready for the day to follow.

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