Chapter 12

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All night I had avoided Mark, even though I wanted to be with him so bad. As I danced with other guests I could just see him with Gary and Dawn, holding his glass of wiskey and gulping it down, watching me or looking down at the floor. But I couldn't stop thinking that he had used me. I had been used before but never had I fallen so quickly and hard for someone. I couldn't stop thinking about how happy he had made me, in one week he had changed how I felt massively. As the evening ended I couldn't decide what to do, do I apologise or do I leave it? He had used me after all. After a while of thinking I headed out of the door to head back to my room, I couldn't face hearing an excuse from him.

Ths next morning I woke up to my alarm, realising what had happened the night before. I lost it... I started to cry, tear by tear fell heavily as I wiped them away. Right now I wanted to be in his embrace, have his warm arms around me and his musky smell around me, I had to go and talk to him! I can't leave it like this, I need to forgive him. So I shot straight up, slipping on the nearest clothes to me and throwing my flip flops on, wizzing out the door to find out where Mark's room was. I can't believe I was risking my job for this. I headed to reception and asked where he was staying, claiming he had left his phone at the party last night. I ran towards the block, I don't know why I was in such a rush. I knocked on his door urgently... there was no reply. I knocked again and again until the next room opened the door, it was Gary.
"Maria?" He stepped out the room and pulled the door closed. "Are you ok?"

"Gary why is Mark not answering?"

"He went home this morning, he didn't tell you?"

"Didn't tell me what Gary?" Tears started to roll down my face slowly.

"What he meant- last night- his wife cheated on him, hus way of coping was having one night stands, but not often and back when he drank and- he really did like you Maria."

"But why has he gone?"

"He is hoping he can forget what happened..." he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. For a minute or two we just hugged until I came up with a plan,

"Gary what's his address?" I pulled away and wiped my tears on my shirt.


"What's Mark's address, I'm getting the next flight out there to see him!" I fumbled around my pocket for a pen, finding one and writing what Gary told me on my hand.

"Are you sure about this?"

"I need to apologise, I can't leave it this way with the way I feel about him."

"Ok, hold on," I waited a minute until he returned from the room "here's money for a flight and my address, if anything is to happen stay at mine for a while-"

"I couldn't Gary!" He handed me a key.

"You can, if he acts awfully then you can't be lost over there. Good luck Maria!" He hugged me again and then pulled away, "now go, you want to get there as soon as you can!"

"Thank you so much Gary, I will leave a free trip under my name for you at reception, thank you again!" So I'm doing it, I'm really going to England...

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