Chapter 8

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We had ordered the pizza and began to tuck in, Mark and I sharing a pizza and the other 2 feeding each other, mesmorised by each other and their love. Mark and i just sat in silence, we didn't know what to do. Once finished he grabbed my upper leg from under the table and leant in to wisper,

"Lets go for a walk," he pulled away and waved in Gary's face to grab his attention. "Gaz I'm going to walk Maria back to her room and then head off to sleep I think, have a nice evening and I'll see you by the pool tomorrow." He stood up, me following.

"Alright mate, thanks for a great night you two. Nice to meet you Maria!"

"Yes hope to see you soon," agreed Dawn, both smiling up at me.

"Thanks for giving me a great evening off, nice to have some company." I smiled in reply as we left the restaurant, following Mark who appeared to know where he was going. I caught up next to him, "where we heading Mark?"

"Thought we could go somewhere more private, I'm desparate to find out more about you Maria!" He pushed through a gap in a hedge, that lead to an empty bit of moonlit beach, the music from the theatre echoing in the background.

"I've worked here months yet never known this place was here..." I said, slipping my sandals off to feel the soft sand between my toes.

"Well, that's good because hopefully it means no one else does either!" He said, also slipping his shoes off and sitting on the sun lounger. He gestured for me to come over, opening his legs slightly for me to also sit. So I did, leaning my head on his chest, listening to him gently breathe.

"So have you got any kids Mark?"

"Well someone's eager," he laughed, "yes, 2. 1 girl and 1 boy, how about you?"

"Don't worry I'm not suggesting anything," I nudged his knee. "And no, it's complicated..." there was a pause.

"Well, do you mind me asking?" I sat up and turned myself around to face him.

"I... well I've tried... I can't"

"You don't have to Maria!" He grabbed my hands.

"I'm infertile, I physically can't have kids." I felt so embarrassed, knowing that this was the point Mark would probably become distant from me.

"Oh Maria," he didn't know what to say. The grip on my hands became tighter and in the faint light I could see the concern on his face, still looking gorgeous at the same time. "Still doesn't change anything!"

"It doesn't?" I know it had only been days but I fancied Mark, I really did.

"No, why would it, you don't need kids to be happy." He smiled and so did I. "I can't hold this in much longer..." he leant in and began to kiss me, his soft lips against mine. After a while his tongue pierced through as the passion grew. Eventually he pulled away, "never have I fancied someone so much!" I probably blushed at this point.

"Me neither, I do really like you Mark, ever since the karaoke, ever since I heard you sing," I turned around again to lean on him. He began to run his fingers through my soft hair and I began to relax. "Ever since you impressed me with your dancing-"

"Ever since I set eyes on you," i could feel him smile as he kissed the top of my head, where I began to fall asleep in his embrace.

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