Chapter 3

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It was exactly 6:34AM when he was awoken to the loud ringing of his mobile phone. With a groan, he raised his head slightly, but let it fall back down onto the soft pillow as he opted to just feel around on his bedside table. 

Once he finally got a hold of his phone, he swiped and answered the call, not bothering to look at the screen as he brought it to his ear and mouth. 

"Assistant Kim Jun-seo speaking, how can I help?" He mumbled, luckily not totally inaudible. 

"Jun-seo, it's Samantha. I'm sorry for calling you so early, I just wanted to know if your head was okay after you bumped it last evening." 

Jun-seo immediately raised his head and cleared his throat at the voice, it was his boss, the CEO of one of the biggest fashion companies in the world, named after her father.
She was 41 years old, unmarried and an extremely strict person with everybody apart from him, but it still didn't make him relax around her. 

"Ah, Miss Bourdette, good morning! Thank-you very much for your concern, I am fine thank-you, I took some painkillers as soon as I got home and then fell asleep soon after." 

She sighed. "Jun-seo, I always tell you to call me 'Samantha', not 'Miss Bourdette.' It makes me feel old! But, I am glad that you are well, I will ask you more about it later though. You don't have to come in until 1PM today as I have cancelled my meetings. I already informed the office so that you don't have to."

"Apologies. Thank-you ma'am, I will see you later." He replied, hanging up after her farewells, and smashing his head back into the pillow. Talking to her always stressed him out. 


It was 5AM when Amelia's alarm went off, failing to wake her up, and it was 6:30AM when she finally awoke in a panic. She was now going to be late to work. 

"Oh, shit!" She yelled to herself as she scrambled out of bed and dived into the bathroom, attempting to wash herself up and look presentable without her daily morning shower that she was now going to have to skip. 

At the age of 23, she still hadn't been able to train herself to wake up and get to places on time properly, she was still in need of a lot of practice.

At 7AM, she finally ran out of her apartment block and into the street, hoping that she'd be able to catch a taxi, despite it being expensive, to take her to work and hopefully get her there on time. However, in this traffic, she'd have to have a miracle happen.


"Amelia! It is 9AM, you were supposed to be here an hour ago, what do you think you are doing?" 

Oh no.

"Good morning Sir, I am so sorry for not being in on time. I had woken up late by mistake and missed my train, I had to catch a taxi and the traffic wasn't good." She apologised to her boss.

"No good! Make sure there are no more mistakes, get to work as soon as possible." He yelled.

She bowed as an apology, and then scurried into the elevator, pressing the button and waiting to go up to her floor, where her computer resided, calling her to spend a long day doing boring work. 



"Good afternoon assistant Kim! Miss Bourdette is in a meeting with Chinese designers at the moment, she informed me that you would be coming in later than usual, so, designer Jon has been assisting her in all of this mornings meetings." The ever so friendly office worker beamed.

Jun-seo raised his eyebrows. "Miss Bourdette has been in meetings this morning? I thought she had cancelled them, that's what she told me this morning when she rang me." 

"No, she didn't cancel any of her meetings, she just told me that you weren't going to be in this morning and to get her a replacement assistant." She replied with a confused expression, which soon morphed into shock. "Perhaps Miss Bourdette didn't want you to know this information. Oh dear, please Mr Kim, don't tell her that you know!" 

Jun-seo shook his head. "I won't, don't worry. I'll just go up to my office and get along with some work until she comes back then. Thank-you." 

He was greatly confused by it, he didn't know why his boss was always so kind to him, and was doing things like this for him when she was so rude and mean to everybody else in the company.
It put him on edge, and he constantly felt like she was going to ask him to do something crazy one day, and use all of the nice things that she'd done for him as an excuse to make him do it. 


"Ah, Jun-seo, you're here! Is your head still feeling ok?" Samantha exclaimed as she walked into the office, on the top, extremely private floor of the company building. 

"Good afternoon Miss Bourdette. Thank-you, my head is still feeling okay. How are you?" He replied.

She frowned. "I'm not good." 

"Oh dear, may I ask why?" 

"Because, you refuse to call me Samantha, even though I tell you each day to call me that!" She yelled, walking out of the office and into her private room. 

He'd annoyed her now. Great. 



"See you tomorrow Amelia!" 

"Bye Aiko!" 

"Oh, Amelia! You weren't here to hear it this morning, but the boss has arranged for our department to have a meal with him tomorrow evening at 9:15PM at the Challo restaurant about twenty minutes away from here by train." 

"Really? Okay then, thank-you for informing me! See you tomorrow." Amelia replied, turning to leave work and finally go home after a stressful day. 

Everybody at her job seemed to drive, cycle or walk to work, however, she lived almost an hour and a half away from work, so she had to catch the train each morning. Rent was expensive in the city, and she couldn't afford to move there with a shitty job like hers, however, she wanted to keep working at it and then move onto a new company next year.
She lived alone and was mostly content with it, however, her heart definitely ached sometimes when she realised how lonely she was, and that all of her old dreams were to be surrounded with love and family, now she had nobody to call that. 

Amelia arrived at the station, hopping down the steps and standing on her usual platform, one that was normally empty at this time of night. Amelia lived facing away from the city, so less people commuted on her line, she found it peaceful when she got her usual seat and could read her book happily. 


"I hate humans." Is all Jun-seo could think, as people pushed each other in order to grab a spot on the train. 

He lived thirty minutes further into the city that never seemed to sleep, some nights, his travel wouldn't be terrible, but most of the time it was hectic beyond belief. 
Once he'd managed to clamber onto his train and get a hold of the railing next to him, he sighed with relief and couldn't wait to get to his apartment. 

Thanks to his job, he was given discounted accommodation at a usually expensive city apartment. He was totally grateful to his company, who paid more than half of his rent monthly, only leaving him to pay small amounts, and be able to save the rest for food and his savings to pay back some old debts.  

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