Chapter 14

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"Hello, it's nice to meet again, Miss Hayward. Please, take a seat and we will begin our meeting." Samantha Bourdette said, as she shook Amelia's hand.

Amelia arrived just in time thanks to Jun-seo, who had shown her to the floor and then disappeared, not before telling her that he'd see her later that evening for dinner.

"Mr Jon LaGaré, head of the design department, will be joining us in this meeting very soon, he is finishing off a different meeting first, however, we can begin with any questions that you may have."

Amelia smiled and nodded, before clearing her throat.

"More than anything, Miss Bourdette, I was wondering if I am required to live in the centre of Hasama in order to work for your company. I did some research, and it seems like the majority of your employees don't live as far out as I do, and I was worried about that, as I don't have enough money to move closer at this point in time." Amelia began letting her worries out to the woman in front of her. 

"It would be a large help if you lived closer to the office, but, I do understand that not everybody is wealthy enough to do so. I don't think that your job role would require you to move much closer, but it's recommended that you try to move closer within the first year of working here." Samantha replied.

The two women continued to discuss about what Amelia is capable of achieving, her past work, her visa details, why she thinks that she would suit the job role that she is applying for, and much more, until the head of the design department, Jon LaGaré joined them.

"Wow, Miss Hayward, your artwork is beautiful." He gasped, as he looked through Amelia's portfolio. "Such intricate designs, you would be an amazing person for our department." 

Amelia tried not to blush as Jon kept admiring her work. 

"Okay, Jon, please put the portfolio down. I think that we've come to a decision about Miss Hayward already." Samantha said, now looking up at Amelia. "Miss Hayward, we would like to offer you a position in the design department of Bourdette, you don't have to give an answer right away, but within the next forty-eight hours, you need to e-mail the company with your answer." 

Amelia's heart thumped.

"Th-thank-you so much Miss Bourdette, and thank-you for looking at my artwork and admiring it, Mr LaGaré, I will be in touch very soon." 


Amelia sauntered her way back into work, catching the eyes of her co-workers, who whispered to each other as she made her way to her seat, sitting down and turning her computer on, acting like nothing had happened in the last hour.

"Amelia, could you come into my office right away please?" Her head of department said, just as she logged on.

"Yes sir." She responded, now standing and locking eyes with Aiko, who looked very upset.

"What's wrong?" Amelia mouthed.

Aiko didn't respond, she just rolled her eyes and went back to typing away on her keyboard.

'That's odd.' Amelia thought, as she continued her journey into the private office.



"So, the boss and my head of department called my friend Aiko into the office too, and they had asked her where I was and why I had lied about having troubles with my visa in order to get out of work. They even threatened to fire her for covering for me, but she didn't know anything about it and I feel terrible, she was so upset with me." Amelia sobbed to Jun-seo.

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