Chapter 5

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  ♫ The song above is recommended to play as you read the following chapter. ♫ 


He looked at her from across the row of tired humans, her expression looking fatigued and impatient. A quick glance up and down her body, and he could already read a lot about this woman's personality.

He could tell that she was a very busy person, perhaps working a stressful job or having a bad home life. She seemed angry about smaller things, such as the five minute wait for the next train to arrive. 

When she had appeared at 8:55PM in a flap, he saw her manic expression as she started looking around for the clock, and when she had noticed it, she groaned to herself, huffing and then joining the bundle of people also waiting for a chance to hop onto the next train.

She kept fiddling with her coat zipper, a sign that she was anxious, she seemed to be a quiet person, yet the emotions clouding her eyes right now said to him that she had an entirely different personality once you got to know her better. 

He kept glancing at her until the train finally arrived, opening it's doors and letting the swarm of humans fly out of it and the rest of them to hop on afterwards.
Losing sight of her for a moment made him feel frustration, he was interested in this girl, and when his eyes caught her again, he smirked, stepping onto the train to sit facing her.

Her pale skin glowed from the sweat dripping from her head, and the red tint in her cheeks showed signs that she had been running not too long ago, which made sense considering her panic when she looked at the clock on the wall. 
He hadn't ever seen her before, she truly stood out in the crowd of people that normally took the same train as him further into the city, this interested him a lot, but he didn't know how to start a conversation with her, she just picked at her finger nails and shook. 

What was she afraid of?


'I can't fucking believe I'm going to be late to this meal...' Amelia thought to herself as she sat on the train, spacing out in shock.

She had planned things so that she wouldn't be late to her work meal, but she was now going to show up late and completely insult her boss, possibly costing her the job which she had been working so hard at since the move here last year. 

Her run to the train station was almost a death wish, as she darted through crowds of people in the packed streets, trying not to push anyone down. She had also almost completely got onto the wrong platform, which would've made her even more late. 'Stressed' was not accurate enough to describe how she felt right now. 

'I'm going to lose my job, and then what do I do? Nobody else will hire me quick enough for me to pay rent, I'll lose my apartment and have to be deported back to England, back to my mum and her arsehole husband! I don't want that, I can't let myself show up at their door, begging for them to take me back after such a huge argument before I left.' 

Panic started to take over Amelia as she thought of all of the bad things that could come about after showing up to this meal late. She'd already pissed her boss off yesterday morning by coming into work so late, she couldn't annoy him again, not in front of her whole department either.

"Ah, um, excuse me?" 

Amelia looked up at the sound of the deep, quite attractive voice, and found herself turning bright red when she found out that the attractive voice belonged to an equally attractive looking Asian man.

"Do you speak English?" He asked her. 

Amelia almost didn't believe that he was talking to her, but she nodded anyway. "Yes."

"I just wanted to know if you are alright. You've seemed worried for a while now, and, well, you're crying." He replied softly, adding a small friendly smile.

Amelia raised her eyebrows and placed a hand to her face to feel her wet cheeks. She hadn't even realised that she'd been crying in public! How embarrassing. 

"Oh! Oh my goodness, I'm sorry. I didn't even realise that I was crying." Amelia said, blushing even more and laughing. "I've just been burdened a lot over the past couple of days, and concerns have been clouding my mind. I might lose my job tonight as I'm late for an important company meal with my boss." 

The man offered a sad expression. "That's no good. I wish you the best of luck with it all." 

"Thank-you." Amelia smiled, bowing her head slightly and then clambering up in a shock. 

"Oh, my stop!" She said, looking back to the man. "Thank-you again, have a nice evening." 

Then, she dodged past passengers and off of the train. 


"What an interesting human." He mumbled to himself, smiling as he watched her run off the train and onto the platform, manically looking around for the exit. 

'I hope I see her again.' He thought.


Author Note: Thank-you for reading! I'm just informing you that there will be no update next week as I have to catch up with writing future chapters. I want to be ahead so that I can update regularly. 

- Laura xo

Fun fact: I wrote the beginning entry to this chapter before I wrote anything else about this story. It was meant to be a Tumblr one shot for either Min Yoongi or Im Jaebum, but I got inspired and decided to create a whole story.

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