Chapter 7

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 ♫ The song above is recommended to play as you read the following chapter. ♫ 


Wednesday - 6PM

"Amelia, could I have a word with you please?" Amelia's head of department asked as he walked past her desk.

"Uh, of course." She replied, a bit unsure about what was happening.

She saved her work and stood up from her seat, glancing around and making eye contact with Aiko.

'What's going on?' Aiko mouthed to Amelia.

Amelia just shrugged in response, turning and walking towards the office, knocking on the door and entering.

"Come on in." Her head of department said, turning with a creepy smile. "Would you like a beverage?"

Amelia was shocked at his sudden change in attitude, she was never normally treated this kindly, especially by her head of department. He usually bossed her and everyone around about, trying to get the department a good name, and more than likely, get him a special mention at the end of year work celebration, where the best employees were awarded bonuses.

"Oh, no thank-you." She responded, trying not to sound too creeped out.

"Okay then, please take a seat and we will begin our dicussion." He said, gesturing to the seat in front of his desk.

Amelia did just that, wanting to get this over and done with.

'Is he about to fire me? Is that why he seems so happy? Is he normally this happy when giving people the news that they have lost their jobs? Oh god, I hope I don't lose my job.'

"So, we've noticed a change in your work over the past couple of weeks. Despite your lateness, you have been doing a large amount of good work, which has helped make the department look great, and you know I like great work in my department, right?"


"As you also know, we have a very special guest coming into the offices on Friday to give a speech, and also have a small meeting with workers at our offices. I have decided to put you forward as one of the people that will be in that meeting with Miss Bourdette."

Amelia's stomach flipped.

"We have decided to choose you as one of the two people from this department, as you have done a lot of good work to talk about and show off, and you also have the skill of being bilingual, something which Miss Bourdette also is! We think that this would be a good connection between both of you, to show her that we have very talented people at our offices."

"Wow." Is all Amelia could respond with, wanting to faint from nerves. If she fucked this up, she definitely would lose her job and have to move back to England, and she didn't want that.



Jun-seo finally walked into the quiet bar, his eyes locking onto his boss who was sat in the far left corner in a booth, eating some sort of greasy food, surrounded by several empty bottles of alcohol. 

"Great." He muttered to himself, finally approaching.

When Samantha noticed him, she squealed and giggled like a small child.

"Jun-seo! You're finally here, I didn't think you would come. You look so handsome." She exclaimed, pulling him down to her sitting level and pinching his cheeks, making him cringe as he felt the grease from her fingers.

"Ma'am, you're extremely drunk. I will escort you home, come on." He said, now holding her arms and trying to pull her up. 

"No! I don't want to go, I haven't been here long and I'm not drunk enough. I want a break from home and work all the time. I want to be free!" She grumbled. 

"Miss Bourdette, you shouldn't be out here alone drinking like this. Someone could've taken advantage of you." 

"I am 41 years old, nobody would have taken advantage of me. Nobody wants me, not even the disgusting criminals out there! I'm going to be lonely forever." 

Jun-seo sighed, this was just another one of her outbursts that she only seemed to show to him. He wanted to just lift the woman over his shoulder and carry her home, but he knew that there was a chance that he could lose his job for that.

"That's not true, ma'am, I'm sure somebody out there will love you someday." He replied like usual.

Samantha groaned and rested her head in her hands. 

"Stop calling me ma'am, I hate it. I want to be called Samantha by you."

"Ma'am, you know I already discussed this with you beforehand, when you were sober. We agreed that I won't call you, my boss, by your real name. I see it as disrespectful towards you." 

"I don't care. I find it more disrespectful that you can't just see me as a woman. Why do you only see me as your boss? I'm more than that, I want to be more than that." Samantha snapped, now raising her head to look into Jun-seo's bored eyes. 

"Ma'am I-"

"No, don't bother talking! I'm trying to tell you something right now, something important. Come here." She interrupted, now standing and grabbing his face in her hands again. "Jun-seo, you don't get it, I don't want to be just your boss, not even your friend, I want to be your lover. I love you. I love you so much that it hurts me each day to not just scream it out. You hurt me when you try to keep your distance!"

Jun-seo stood in shock, staring back into his bosses eyes, feeling more and more uncomfortable as each second passed, however, he couldn't move or speak. She had just confessed to him. His boss, a woman sixteen years older than him, had confessed her love to him.

What the f-

The ringing of Jun-seo's phone brought him back to reality, so he pulled away from Samantha's grasp and answered, trying not to sound shocked. 

"Assistant Kim speaking." He said, clearing his throat.

"Mr Kim! Are you with Miss Bourdette right now? She went missing some time ago, nobody can find her or contact her." The voice that came from the other end of the line, was the security guard that usually followed Samantha to places other than the office.

"Don't worry, I am with her. She's highly intoxicated, I'll bring her back right away." He replied, soon hanging up and turning around, grabbing Samantha's arm and pulling her with ease. "It's time to go home. No more arguing." 


"Oh, thank goodness! Miss Bourdette, please don't sneak out like that again, we were all extremely worried about your safety." Samantha's security guard exclaimed with relief as Jun-seo approached the very expensive apartment. "Thank-you for bringing her back to us Mr Kim, we appreciate it. I hope she wasn't too troublesome to you, it's your day off."

Jun-seo faked a smile. "It's okay, she was fine. Just make sure to get her to bed as soon as possible, she needs to finish her speech off tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night." 


Jun-seo was now walking through the busy city, not even seeming phased by the large crowds that usually caused him anxiety, he was more angry at the encounter he'd just had with Samantha. 

'What the fuck was that shit back there?' He thought. 'Was she being honest, or was it just the alcohol talking?'

He needed to get home and clear his head.

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