Chapter 8

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My stomach filled with butterflies as are lips connected. Our lips fit perfectly with each other and Our lips moved in sink. His lips were smooth and soft with the taste of strawberry. He stopped kissing me and helped me too our feet. We laughed as we seen we were covered in leafs. We helped brush each other off. On the way back to the orphanage we just laughed and talked. We were at the door when he stopped speaking spun me towards him and spoke softly, "Aliza will you be my girlfriend." I laughed and he had a sad look on his face. "Of course I'll go out with you." His face lit up like a kid on Christmas. He pulled me close to him and laid his smooth lips on mine. I pulled away and ran into the house, "hey." He called out but I was already up the stairs and in my room starting on my homework.

At school the next day I told Sammy about the kiss and she was just quiet telling me "good for you." I don't get why she's not happy for me that was my first kiss and my first boyfriend. Maybe she's just upset that I have a boyfriend. A boy walked up to Sammy, I think his name was Thomas, and gave her a kiss on the check holding her hand while doing so. Sammy told me this was he boyfriend Thomas and them just started going out. "Maybe we could go out on a double date soon. Me and Thomas and you and Chase." Thomas said and I just nodded my head while as I walked down the steps finding Chase and bringing him where we were sitting but Sammy wasn't there but sitting with her sister. I called her name but she just turned and looked off into space ignoring me. "I don't know what her problem, but why don't we go to the movies or something." He talked about how we would have to go earlier so we can get back on time and that it was a perfect idea.

School went on normally and now I couldn't wait until mine and Chase's date. We meet up by the picnic tables and walked through town looking at all the different shops and houses. He had his hand interlocked with mine as we went into the movie theaters getting tickets to see The 5th wave.  We found a good seat and he went to go get us popcorn and a drink. We ate popcorn sipping in our soda as the movie started. I laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. We stayed like that all throughout the movie.

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