Chapter 19

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I looked up at the sky, Chase holding my hand.
"Chase" I stared into his blue eyes, "Were you faking the boyfriend girlfriend thing."

His eyes widened, " Of course not, Aliza I love you." He got up on one knee pulling a black box from his pocket, "Aliza Maria Jordan, Will you marry me."

Tears rolled down my face as I seen the diamond ring.

"But, I'm only in high school, is that even legal."

Chase had a shocked expression across his face,

"We can work something out, Aliza will you marry me."

I couldn't help but smile as his deep blue eyes stared into my blue eyes,

"Chase Daniel Webster, I'll marry you."

I laughed as he had the biggest grin I have ever seen. He grabbed my hand and slid the ring in. His hands wrapped around my waist and his lips were planted on mine. This night was the best night ever, I thought as Chase took my hand and dragged me along the beach.
Today was the day, Chase and I were getting married. My bride gown flowed down looking absolutely perfect. I was given a sword in case anyone tried to ruin the weeding. My father took my arm as he walked me down the isle. Chase looked so cute in his tux with the biggest grin I have ever seen. At this point whatever my father told me about shadow hunters didn't matter because I was about to have a normal future with an amazing man. The first time I saw you, I swear I drooled. You caught my eye the moment I caught yours. We both have been through some tough times but I promise to always protect you as long as I shall live.

"You may now kiss the bride." Chase leaned in just as someone barged in.


Chase's face went pale as the front row of people stood up and drew there weapons all aim was at Chase's father.

"This was my day, I was going to marry this girl and you had to show up and ruin it."

Chase drew his sword and ran at his father. His father knocked his sword from his hand. His father took one quick regretful look and slammed the sword into Chase's stomach. Chase rolled over in pain as his father dropped to his knees pulled out a gun and aimed it to his head,

"I'm sorry son." He said those three little word and the gun went off. His father laid dead beside Chase, who was currently holding his stomach. The paramedics came into the room and carried Chase away. Tears streamed down my face, I was about to lose the love of my life.

Aliza and the Cute Boy ( UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now