Chapter 13

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I stood in the middle of the street watching the ambulance drive down the empty street. I pulled out my phone calling Ally.

Phone Call Convo

"Hey" Ally yawned "Why are you calling at midnight.

"Ally. Chase he's. he's hurt. Will you, drive me. to the. Hospital." I said between sniffles

"Text me the address. I'll be right there."

End of phone convo

I texted Ally the address and sat on the side of the street waiting for Ally to pull up. I heard the sound of an engine and watched the car pull up. It was not Ally's car. The person pulled out a gun pointing it at me telling me to get in. As the person put the car in drive I seen Ally's car turn onto the street. " Don't even think about it. I'll get out and shoot her." The person I now found out to be a guy said. He accelerated and was soon out of town. I watched as the city faded from my vison. I needed to get to the hospital. I needed to get to Chase, he needs me , as much as I need him.

                                                               Chase's Point of View

My head was spinning. As I opened my eyes feared flashes into my mind. Aliza was no where to be found. I seen my phone on the side table. I clicked the home button and seen I had 27 missed calls all from Ally. I clicked on her name and put it to my ear, her answering instantly

Phone Convo

"Hey Ally."

"Chase have you seen Aliza"

"Haha. Funny joke."

"Chase I'm not joking around Aliza called me last night telling me you were hurt. I turned onto the street she told me and she was no where to be found just a car driving away."

End of Phone Conv

I was so worried Ally doesn't joke around like that. I ripped the needles and other things out of my arm and ran down the hallways. Nurses shouted for doctors and other nurses. A hand grabbed my arm pulling me back, I tried to fight through but soon other hand grabbed me puling me back into the room. I put up a hell of a fight but it wasn't good enough. A doctor came in with a needle and injected it into a vain in my arm. My last thoughts was were was Aliza and who was in that car.

Aliza and the Cute Boy ( UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now