Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


19 days of pure torture. 

19 days without you.

19 days of having no idea where you are.

19 days of having no idea if you're even alive or not.

19 days of tears.

19 days of sleepless nights.

These past 19 days have been terrible Mimi. Even the fans can see it is affecting me in a way that they can't help. I think if, I mean when, you come back, the fans will accept you. I don't think they will send you hate because I think they can see how much happier I am with you.

I'm running out of things to say Mim. Most of these letters are me telling you that I miss you. I guess I should maybe start writing down some of our memories so I can read them and never forget them. I think that might be a good idea.

Please come back to me Mimi. Please princess, I need you.

I love you so much sweetheart,

Lou xoxo

Soooo, I wasn't going to update In Touch again today but I decided to celebrate! One less day of year 11 left! LOL.

It's so scary to think that this time in two years I'll be out of school. I'll be having a gap year or at uni if I decide to go there straight away. It is soooo scary you have no idea.

QOTC: If you had to dress one way regularly, would you rather, be well dressed from the waist up with ridiculous pants and shoes or be well dressed from the waist down with ridiculous shirts and hats?

I would rather have ridiculous pants and shoes cause then, when you sit at a table, you still look well presented and professional because your pants and shoes are hidden as you sit down. Phew. I actually picked an easy one today LOL.



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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