Chapter Sixty One

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Chapter Sixty One

"I'm so proud of you Mimi," Liam says quietly while glancing back at me.

"Thanks," I mumble so quietly I don't even know if they heard me.

I let out a long sigh, running my hands over my face. I just want to go home and sleep but I know that if I close my eyes, the nightmares will come and I will just wake up screaming. And to be honest, I don't think it's really worth it, the effort that will be needed to calm me down when I wake up screaming from the nightmare.

Definitely not worth it.

It's not like I don't want to sleep, I do. It's just the fact that whenever I close my eyes, all I see is his face, his cold eyes staring into my own. All feel is the whip against my back or his fist against my cheek. All I hear is my own screams and his dark, heartless chuckle.

It's not really something I want to relive again and again.

"Hey love? Are you okay? You look really pale?"

I let my eyes move back into focus, the boys faces filling in the world around me, "Yeah. I-I'm f...fine."

"No you're not," Louis sighs as he places his arm around my shoulders.

Hesitantly, I rest my head on his shoulder, letting his smell wash over me. I try my hardest not to but against my better judgement, a small sigh of pure bliss escapes my lips. I don't want to feel this way about Louis, I mean, he has a girl friend so I shouldn't, but I can't help it.

The feelings developed before he even met her and now, they are too far to just push away. And then there's that weird feeling I get in the back of my brain whenever I think about him. The feeling that I'm forgetting something. The feeling that something is missing.

"You'll be okay love. Don't let those memories get to you, just brush them off," Harry says to me as he pat my knee.

I feel my nose scrunch up at his words. I want to yell at him that he is wrong. I want to scream at him that he needs to take it back because that isn't true. But I know I can't. I know I can't yell or scream at him. He doesn't understand what it's like to have memories that constantly haunt your every sleeping and waking moments. He doesn't understand what it's like to see the cold black eyes of your kidnapper every time you shut your own.

He doesn't understand and I'm glad he doesn't. 

I wouldn't want any of the boys to have memories like this. Memories that they wish they could forget but they can't. Memories that reply in their mind every time the shut their eyes. Memories that just cause them pain and fear and heartache every time they remember them.

I don't want any of the boys to have memories like that.

It's cruel and harsh.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by the ding of a phone. I instantly know it's Louis' phone because I can feel him moving under me as he tries to get it out of his pocket. I ignore the unnatural thump of my heart as I think that it could be Stacey, pushing any thoughts of her to the other side of the earth.

Or so far away in my mind that I can't reach them. Whatever works I guess.

As long as I don't have to hear the name Stacey, I will be right.

"Who is it?" Harry asks Lou.

"No one."

"Oh come on LouLou."

"It's nothing that concerns you Harry."

I feel a frown move onto my face before suddenly, without the usual warning that comes with remembering something, I am hit by a memory surfacing. I quickly let the strings in my mind grab hold of it, pulling it up so I can re live it.

I hear the elevator ding and when I turn around all I see is Liam walking out. No Louis. I let out a frustrated sigh before I see Liam walking towards me. I send him a glare, taking my anger out on him. He sees me, before shaking his heads as he gets closer.

"How could you? I don't understand!" I shout at him, throwing my hands up in the air in anger.

"What don't you understand?" he says calmly.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe why you looked like you wanted to kill the both of us. Maybe why you didn't see us then walk away instead of ruining the moment!" I yell, poking his chest every time I say the word 'you'.

"You don't need someone like Louis in your life Mimi. You deserve someone better. Someone who cares about you," he says while placing his hands on my shoulders.

I shrug his hands off, not wanting him to touch me, "Louis does care about me! You don't know what you're talking about."

"Does he now? Here he comes. Why don't you ask him yourself," Liam laughs.

I look behind him to see Louis exiting the elevator, Harry by his side. I quickly move around LIam before running towards him, a smile on my face. Ignoring Liam's words, I jump onto him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.

"Hey Lou," I smile against his neck, "What did Liam sat to you?"

Instead of Louis wrapping his arms around me, like I expected him to do, I feel him stiffen under my touch. I fee his hands on my waist, pushing me off him. The shock running through my body causes me to let o of him, giving him the opportunity to put me on the ground.

"Lou?" I ask weakly, "What did Liam say?"

"Nothing that concerns you," he says coldly before walking away, leaving me standing there, hurt and shock coursing through my body.

I let out a small gasp as the memory leaves me, sitting up straight so I'm not touching Louis. I don't want to be near someone who hates me. I don't want to be near someone who acts so cold towards me for absolutely no reason.


"Louis' hates me. He hates me."

Damn Mimi. Back at it again with the assumptions!


I swear every time Mimi remembers something, she assumes stuff straight away and the boys have to explain it all to her. Well, good luck with this one boys.


I lost an hour and a half of my life today when I accidentally read the wrong chapter in my IPT textbook and answered the questions too. That is an hour and a half of my life I will never get back -_- 

So sad.

It really is sad, you guys have no idea. 

QOTC: Would you never have painful cramps again or never have to shave again?

Ohhhh that is a difficult one to be sure to be sure.



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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