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Wow guys. This has been one hell of a year hasn't it. This is the second and last book of the Wrong Number series and I'm seriously about to cry. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself now that it's over. 

This has been a huge part of my life for a whole year now and to not have it there will be so weird.

Anyway, I just want to say a HUMONGOUS thank you to each and every single one of you for being here for this journey. Without you guys I never would have been able to finish Wrong Number, let alone Wrong Number and In Touch. It's you guys that keep me going, keep me updating.

Because some days, I feel like just lying in bed and reading and not doing anything, even though I love writing, but then I think of you guys, all my fans, and I know that I have to update because if I don't you guys will be sad. So thank you guys for motivating me to write and update every day.

Now, I would like to say a huge thank you to BronteW She has been there since the start of In Touch and she has been reading the chapters early and giving me feedback. She's also been getting very annoyed when I decide to change what I wrote. So she has been a huge part of this and yeah.

But look out later this year guys, I will be doing a collab with B. We've already started working on it and we have heaps of ideas and it's going to be super good. So I thought I would give you a little insight into the title of this book. It's called,


Yep, it's a One Direction fan faction and it's going to be amazing!

Another huge thank you goes out to Kenzie_Cat, my lovely sister. She has been reading my book and not wanting to read the chapters early when I offer. But she has also been my own personal fan girl that lives in the same house as me. Getting angry when I leave you guys on huge cliffhangers and getting sad when I do other stupid things. So thanks Kenzie.

Now, I have said this multiple times and I know you might be sick of it but this is really important. The biggest thank you, from me and from you guys, has to go to xPerfNiallx. She is the reason I am actually on Wattpad. She is the reason that this series is actually here. So thank you a hell of a lot Isabella!

She has a book on her page that she's working on called Accident if you guys want to check that out. It's in my ALL TIME FAVES reading list too if you can't find it.

But guys, we're coming to a close and I can't believe it. I'm super sad about this.

So now that this is over guys, we should all migrate over to my new book, Barely Breathing which will be out later today. I want us to all stay as a huge family and we can't do that unless we all stay together and read more books.

I love you so much guys. Thanks for the memories and all the fun times!

I hope to see you all on some of my other books.



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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