Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

"What do you mean?" I hear Liam ask, his voice sounding distressed. 

"I mean, why am I in a hospital, how did I get here, why is One Direction in my room and last but not least," I take a small breath to finish my sentence, "Is Zayn sick or something cause he isn't here?"

I watch as a look of terror and pure pain takes over all four boy's faces.

"You don't remember?" Louis whimpers as I see tears well up in his eyes.

"Remember what?" I ask as I look into his blue eyes.

Nobody replies for a few seconds but after those few seconds are up, everything that I had built up around me comes crumbling down. Louis lets out a loud sob as he releases my hand and brings it up to his face, trying his best to wipe the tears away.

The tears stain his pale cheeks as his blue eyes with the very dark bags lining them, grow red and puffy. His brown, disheveled hair looks greasy, strands hanging limply in his eyes. His clothes have creases that look like they've been permanently etched into the fabric. All in all, he looks terrible.

Not being able to look at him anymore without my heart breaking, I look around the room. But I can tell now that that was a bad idea.

Liam is crying as well. His hair is also disheveled but he at least looks like he has showered in the last couple of days. His brown eyes are full of grief and something akin to guilt and I don't know why. I see Niall and Harry out of the corner of my eye.

They aren't crying but they do look like they could burst into tears at any moment. Although they both look very upset, Harry shocks me the most. Instead of his usual, well kept mop of curls, they hang limply, almost straight, around his face.

"Guys? Are you okay?" I ask quietly, trying to find a way out of this awkward situation.

"You seriously don't remember?" Niall asks me, his Irish accent thick with emotions.

"Remember what? You guys can't say 'you don't remember' when I don't know what I'm supposed to be remembering. Also, last time I check, I'd never met you guys before."

I hear movement coming from next to my bed so I look over and am shocked to see Louis walking out the door as he tries to stifle a sob. I send his back a questioning look, my head snapping back to look at the other boys when the door closes with a small thud.

"Why is he so upset?" I ask the boys.

"Uhh, because you don't remember."

I feel anger boil under my skin at Harry's words, "Stop saying I don't remember! I know I don't remember! Do you think I would forget meeting One Direction if something was wasn't wrong? Do you think I would be sitting in a hospital bed if something wasn't wrong?"

I watch as Harry gulps, guilt taking over his features, "I'm sorry Mimi. I just hate that he is so upset. We all know the reason, well except you, and it's killing us as well."

"Oh. Well, uhh, I don't know what to say to be completely honest. I want to say let's get to know each other but you guys seem to already know me and well..."

"We know you're a fan Mimi. It's alright," Liam chuckles, but I can tell it isn't real.

His smile doesn't really reach his eyes when he flashes his pearly whites. The little sparkle that I've seen in all of his music videos is gone completely. He looks broken and honestly, it's tearing me apart just a little bit.

"Okay! I can't take this guilt anymore but Mimi I just want you to know that I'm sorry for being a selfish jerk. Can you ever forgive me?" Liam exclaims as he walks over to sit in the chair Louis was once occupying.

I send him a weird look, scrunching my nose up, "Sure. I guess. I mean, I don't really know what happened but it couldn't have been that bad right?"

"No. It was pretty bad. I know you don't remember but the guilt was eating me alive Mimi and I jsut had to apologise. Even if it is falling on deaf ears."

"It's okay Li. I can give you guys nicknames right or is that weird?" I ramble on.

"It's fine Mim. Remember, we already know a lot of stuff about you and you about us. You just don't remember it."

"You forgot the other i in my name," I mumble out of habit.

I hear a gasp come from somewhere near the door and when I look over, I see a very shocked looking Louis. Behind him is a doctor but all I can focus on is the look on Louis' face. It looks like a mixture between shock, pain and pure sadness. Odd mix but okay.

"Do you...?"

"Do I what? I don't remember anything if that's what you were going to ask but those words do sound oddly familiar and I-"

And then, I feel something strange going on in my head. It becomes slightly fuzzy and I feel disconnected from the rest of the world as a memory, a memory I had lost but now regained, plays over in my head.

From LouLou

Please Mim, please.


From Louis Girl Since The Start xx

You forgot the other i in my name

"Mimi! Are you okay?"

"I don't know. I just had these words start flashing through my memory. They were the exact words but just before them were the words 'Please Mim, please'."

I see more tears well up in Louis eyes but I don't know why. He seems be very upset over me losing my memory. And then the doctor steps in front of me, blocking Louis from view. He mumbles a few words about touching my head but honestly, they just go in one ear and out the other. I'm more concerned about the upset feeling running through my body right now after seeing Louis almost cry.

"Well I can't see any significant head damage. We will have her checked out but I think this is a case of her brain is trying to make her forget every thing that's happened. So a form of physiological amnesia."

I honestly don't know if physiological amnesia is a thing but it is now. I have heard of people forgetting things because of trauma but I don't know if it's called that.

Anyway, how are your Limi feels doing? BTW, Limi is Louis and Mimi's ship name. Way better then Mouis that's for sure. Anyway, I think mine just died. Personally that's how I'm feeling.

So guys, I said this about two chapters ago or more, idk, but I started a new book. It's called 'Mystery Girl'. If you guys could check that out for me, that would be totally awesome! Maybe leave a vote and a comment telling me what you think. I'll leave the link just here vvv

Thank you guys!

QOTC: What do you think Louis is going to do now that Mimi has amnesia?



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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