Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two

I watch as Niall's mouth falls open in shock, "What?"

"I was kidnapped," I repeat, my voice shaking.

I see Niall reach up and scratch the back of his neck as he looks away from me, his eyes wandering around the room. And that's when it hits me. And this pain is way worse then Louis yelling at me to not talk to him. This pain is ten times worse.

"And you knew, didn't you."

Niall's head flicks back to me, "Look Mimi, it's complicated. We wanted to tell you but...we couldn't."

"Niall, I was kidnapped! You don't think that that is important? These last four weeks, I've been sitting here, wondering why I would want to block out all my memories. And now I know. But what makes it worse, is that you all knew too!"


"No Niall. Don't," I spit as I get up off the bed, hobbling out of the room.

I hear Niall behind me but I ignore him and continue the long walk down the hall to the stairs. When I reach the stairs, I feel my ankle give out right before I crumple to the floor in pain. I let out a sob, the pain mixing in with the hurt and the betrayal and finally becoming too much for me.


I spin my head around to see Harry who had just come out of, what I am assuming is his room. I watch him as he rushes over to me before crouching down next to me. I look away from him, not wanting to look him in the eye. He lied to me, just like the rest of the boys did.

"Are you okay Mimi?"

I shake my head at him, "No."

Harry lets out a small sigh before scooping me up in his arms and carrying me down the stairs to the lounge, "You should probably use your crutches before you hurt yourself some more."

I ignore him as I play with my fingers, my main goal being to control the tears pouring down my face. Harry places me gently on the couch before sitting down next to me. I scoot away from him, not wanting to be near any of these boys.

"Mimi, we can explain," Niall huffs.

I look up to see Niall, Liam and an upset looking Louis, walking down the stairs. I look back down at my hands, trying to ignore the stare I'm getting from Harry. The boys sit down on the couches, Louis sitting as far away from me as he possibly can.

"Mimi, love, we can explain," Niall says again.

"No," I say quietly, "I want you all to listen and listen good. Do not interrupt me while I'm speaking alright. No butting in and trying to save your own butts."

"Alright. But first, what is this about?" Harry mumbles.

"I know that I was kidnapped," I say, cutting straight to the point. I hear a sharp intake of breath come from Harry's direction but I continue anyway, "And I know that you boys knew that too."


"What did I say about interrupting me? Now listen, I know that you were told not to tell me stuff and I get that but why the hell would you not tell me I was kidnapped? What possessed you into thinking that that wasn't important? Because it sure as hell is. Out of everything, I think knowing that I was kidnapped for four months was probably the most important."

"And you know what, it really hurts to think that you boys didn't want to tell me that. I mean, I thought that you all cared about me. Turns out, I was wrong. I was so wrong. You don't care about me at all. I mean, Louis just told me not to talk to him ever again, Liam basically called me a liar and all of you kept the biggest secret from me. If that is what caring about someone means then I don't want to be a part of it."

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