Chapter 13

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Date: May 16th , 2015

Time: 3:45PM

Quote: Mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by: and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.  ~Charles Darwin


Corahn Lockridge . . .



Protection is the most important thing... Try not to let them get killed , Corahn . It's your job to supervise them because right now there wondering around this house like lost puppies. .



   Mackenzie's spiritual mother's voice flowed through my ears , causing my to shake my head and look around to see the officer's gone and not in my eye sight. I breathed really slowly because if I panicked there would be no way , I'll find them because I would be to busy hyperventilating. I walked down the hall trying to follow the noise and trying to listen for the footsteps of the officers which was highly hard to do.

   I continued walking until , I walked into a room and was empty and had cracks in the wall but two things caught my eye. There was a window that had a perfect view of Mackenzie's house , meaning they could've been watching her for months maybe years. The other was when I looked to my right there was a bookshelf and the books were neatly stacked. I walked closer to the shelf and observed it , how could this be the only thing neat in this house ?

   I stood there until , I heard a conversation going on down the hall. I eased my way to the door and peeped around the corner to see if It was the officers or whom ever.

"Why in the hell were them dumbass officer's in here anyway?!". I heard the one with a blonde patch in his hair say while throwing his hands in the air and throwing them around his neck slowly rubbing it as if he was exhausted.

"I don't fucking know!". The one with the curly afro yelled but it only echoed in that room , while he ran his hand through his afro.

  You failed that task , try harder to keep innocent lives safe right now your only task is to get Mackenzie and Cassidy out of here safely.


"Get them out of here safely". I whispered to myself , making sure that the four weirdo's don't hear me. I watched as they walked the other way , and I heard another door close indicating that they were gone. I turned back around and looked at the bookcase again , it looked as if one of those bookcases my great grandfather would have because he would secretly go into one and do experiments. I brought my finger to my chin and bit my lip contemplating on which book should I pull to see if it opens.

   I pulled a red book that said , The last stand and the door slowly moved to it's right slowly opening. It had enough room for me to slip through before it finished opening. I slipped through and it was dark down there but there was a little light coming from the window that was located on the upper wall. The bookcase slammed open behind me causing a loud noise.

"Dammit". I mumbled to myself , hopping that nobody heard the noise. I slowly walked down the stares , by the time I made it to the fourth stair I began tumbling down because someone had pushed me. I tumbled down the stairs , you could hear my painful groans until I blacked out as I hit the cold hard grounded floor.

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