ch. 2 the mission (pt. 1)

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P.o.v Natsu
I was walking to the guild thinking about why Luce would ask me such a weird question.

I looked at happy who was flying ahead of me towards the guild. I walked slowly looking at the sights. I only told lucy that because I didn't wanna except that she might like someone else.

Yeah I might have a crush on Lucy but I doubt that she has a crush on me. Shaking the thoughts out of my head i looked up to see the guild hall.

I went to the request board. I found a job that was perfect. The job reward was 500,000 jewels.

The job is to help capture wizard thiefs. When I picked up the job I walked over to happy and at perfect timing Lucy walked in.

"Oi Lucy come check out this job I found" I said waving at her to come over. She walked over and took a look at it.

She looked at me and nodded in agreement. I gave the paper to Mira which she signed and we were on our way.

Lucy and happy were talking about if we should take the train or not because of my m-m-motion sickness.

Just saying the word makes me shiver. They finally settled on taking the train and I cried hugging the ground.

When we made it to the train station I started to shake like crazy. When we got our tickets and board the train Lucy sat down and I put my head on her lap.

She was playing with my hair and that made my motion sickness chills die down a little bit.

Looking up at lucy I relaxed. Her brown chocolate eyes calming me, I started to drift into sleep.

P.o.v Lucy
I saw that Natsu was starting fall asleep. I ran my fingers through his hair so that he took a peaceful rest.

When he finally fell asleep, I started to talk to happy. I gave happy a fish and he started to nibble on it.

He looked at me then at natsu then at me again. "He llllllikes you" I rolled my eyes because he says it all the time when me and natsu are together.

I decide to shot back "you lllllike Carla" he giggled. "I know I do, but she doesn't like me" he said pouting.

I felt bad for the little guy Carla always turns down his feeling for her, but I know that deep inside her heart that she likes him too.

-4 hours later-

When we finally reached the town for the job, I woke up natsu and he ran off the train.

He started to praise the ground and I just laughed at him. "You do that ever time you get off a train natsu" I said walking by him.

When he was down praising, we walked to the place to talk about the job. I called plue out cause I was lonely without him. I picked him up at looked over at the duo.

Natsu and happy were talking about how they will beat up the bad guys. I laughed at them and started to walk away.

"Pun pun pun" plue stated. I looked down at him then back towards where the station was. I could hear Natsu shout

"don't worry we fight bad guys all the ti-" I felt a hand over my mouth. I dropped plue and he ran towards the station.

I heard natsu yelling in the distance. That was the last thing I heard before blacking out.

Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter and ya see you guys in the next chapter.

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