ch. 4 question to ask

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P.o.v Natsu
Having Luce back was awesome. I know deep down she doesn't like me but I still want to ask her a certain question.

"Hopefully this goes well" I sighed to myself.

I got up and walked towards lucy and levy. Happy already left and went on a job with the exceed squad.

P.o.v lucy
Me and levy were talking about my book when I suddenly looked over at Natsu. He was by himself and looked like he was thinking about something.

He got up and started to walk towards me and levy. Levy looked at me then at natsu and smirked.

"Ill leave you to it" she giggles walking away.

"Levy its no-" I started

"Uh luce can we talk?" natsu asked blushing a little. I was shocked he was so red.

I nodded and started to walk out of the guild and Natsu ran out after me. I stood there looking at him.

"Uh Luce I was wandering if I could ask you something important?" I looked at him confused.

I nodded and he took a deep breath. "Luce do you have a crush on anyone?"

I was shocked. Did he know I liked him. Oh no this is embarrassing.

I nodded my head slowly and he smiled. "May I know who?" I looked away and pointed to the sky

"wow look at the stars" I hoped to change the subject.

I then felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and then a warm body behind me. It was Natsu of course.

I felt his breath against my ear and I heard him whisper "Luce do you like me?"

I was probably a cherry by now so I just nodded not trusting what I would say. Natsu chuckled and hugged my tighter.

"I like you luce" oh if I could die happy now i thought

P.o.v ???
I was watching very closely at the pair in front of the guild called fairy tail. "My my dear brother we will meet again" I began to chuckle and disappeared.
Sorry for not updating anyways hoped you like the new chapter and ya see you in the next chapter "who are you and what do you want?"

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