Tell me What happened

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Lucy p.o.v

I opened my eyes the heat gone and so was natsu. He never launched the orb but where did he go.

"Natsu" I said looking around seeing nothing but trees. I curled up into a ball, shaking as I cried.

"What happened. I WANNA KNOW" I screamed towards the sky.

Then all of a sudden, a rustle was heard a few feet away from me. I tried to get up as fast as I could but my head was spinning so much that I just had to sit back down.

I held my head in my hands so it would stop hurting but it didn't work and I completely forgot about what the rustle least that was until I heard someone say my name.

"Lucy!! Lucy!! Where are you?!?!" I lifted my head up a little to see Erza and Wendy.

I smiled or at least tried too but I failed and I stopped trying. I tried to get up but I soon started to fall until Erza caught me.

"I....I......I am so......sorry" I cried. I felt so pathetic. Erza and Wendy just looked at me and smiled but what I had said next turned those smiles around.

"What happened?!.....where is Natsu?!" I asked. They smiled sadly. I knew in that instant something was wrong.

"Tell me....WHAT happened please....tell me......." I begged. Erza gently wrapped her arm around me and we started to move forward. To where I dont know, I just knew it wasn't going to be good......

Time skip

We soon reached a camp site where Gray and Levy were trying to help something. I wanted to get a closer look but Erza wouldn't let me.

I tried so hard to fight back and when I finally got a look I saw pink and thats when I knew......


I tried so hard to get out Erza's grip but she held on me so tightly that I just gave up.

I shook, I sobbed, I felt so broken, I felt as if I was a light as a feather but my heart weighed me down.

I dropped to the ground and looked at Erza and Wendy.

"I will only ask one more time and please tell me.... What in the hell happened!?" I asked.

Wendy sighed and sat next to me, She took a hold of my hands. Erza let me go and sat down as well.

"Your mom talked to us after you left the arena. Saying that you were looking for natsu. We got here in time to hear you scream out. Natsu went after you but he wasn't Natsu. He was this creature, an evil creature and that igneel was fake as you could tell" wendy stated

It was a evil wizard from the guild Magonam. He was at the games today he had this sudden power over natsu and that is what changed natsu."

"When we got here natsu was about to throw and orb at you but gray came in just before he could." She stopped and looked away.

"What, Wendy what is it?!" I questioned her, looking in disbelief.

She took a deep breath.

WELL um........ Hai I'm back.....I think......I am so sorry I haven't had time to do some chapters but high school is taking up so much time and on top of that I have practice and tumbling for cheer so I have almost no time on my hands....anyway I hope you enjoyed that chapter I'll try to do one asap byyeeeeee!!!! ~jess

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