Training pt 1

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I'm so sorry I had the chapter ready to publish but then it got deleted so I'm just like wtf but here we go with the next chapter
Lucy p.o.v

I woke up with a cold breeze. I gripped my blanket tighter hoping for more warmth but was I wrong.

Sighing I got up and walked out of the tent to see a sleeping happy but no natsu.

"That's odd where did he go?" I was about to look around when I heard a scream.

I started to run towards the scream only to see a crying natsu hugging a guy that looked like him but older.

"Um sorry to interrupt but natsu what are you doing?" I asked while shaking my head.

He looked at me and started to smile then looked back at the guy.

"See I told you she was real and you didn't believe me" he said with a winning smirk.

"My apologies for my son being an idiot" the guy said looking at me then back at natsu.

"Its okay I deal with i- wait did you say son?!?!"
I said my eyes widening.

The man just nodded his head. I looked at natsu,"what does he mean?"

"Lucy this is igneel my dad" he smiled. Okay now that made more sense to me. I just smiled "oh well that helped me fully understand"

"Oh luce ignel said he had a surprise for you" natsu jumped a little. I looked up to where igneel was standing only to find someone I haven't seen for years.

"Mom" I ran into her arms and cried. She hugged me back so tightly and I could feel her tears fall on my shoulder.

"Lucy my dear you have grown so much" she said smiling.

I didn't ask any questions because I didn't want to put her under pressure.

"Luce they are here to train us" natsu said as I let go of my mom. I only nodded while whipping the tears away.

"Then what are we waiting for let's get started" I said with determination.

Natsu and igneel looked at each other and nodded "Aye sir" they said.

I'm sooooooo sorry forgive me plzzzzzzzz
I will update tomorrow I promise.........

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