ch. 6 Zeref!?!?

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Lucy's p.o.v

Natsu's eyes showed anger, sadness and rage. His eyes had a sparkle but it wasn't a good sparkle.

Then the mage spoke. "Well well well hello there little brother." Natsu's hands burst into flames.

"Zeref" he spat. The so called mage, Zeref, laughed at natsu.

"Now now little bro don't act Like that, I knew you missed me" his eyes trailed, look at all of us until he stopped at me.

I felt uncomfortable under his gaze, so I walked behind natsu. Zeref let out a soft chuckle. It was a creepy chuckle might I add.

Natsu then hugged me close, his flames dying down. I hugged him back because I was scared but I was blushing too.

"Zeref what are you doing here?" Natsu asked hugging me closer to him.

"Well you see brother...." He started. "I came here for your lovely, little celestial mage"

I was shaking but natsu's warmth kept me somewhat calm.

"What do you need her for zeref" natsu stated holding me so close I could barely breath but I didn't care.

Natsu p.o.v
As I was holding Lucy, I glared at zeref. Yes he is my brother but he is not a good brother. He never was.

The only time he was actually nice, was when his soon to be fiance was with him.

She died soon after a dark mage had kidnapped her and kept hitting her with dark magic.

After that zerefs heart has been dark and cruel, just Like his attitude. "Look zeref Lucy is mine and mine alone"

He looked at me and chuckled darkly. "See that is wear you are wrong my dear brother. Little Lucy here is Mavis little sister which makes her my new soon-to-be-bride"

I opened my mouth but Lucy beat me to it. She glared at zeref and said "I'm sorry but I only belong to natsu so I can't be your soon-to-be-bride"

This made me look at zeref while smirking, who had a look of rage in his eyes.

The next thing I knew Lucy was out of arms and was next to zeref.

He had her by her neck. She kept hitting his arm to let her breath. Her face started to turn blue, then it turned to purple.

I then saw her head fall and I knew she had passed out. I was pissed now so I ran after zeref.

"Fire-dragon roar" I screamed. My roar only inches away from him but he somehow turned them back my way.

The next thing I knew, I was on the ground and my vision blurry. I reached out to Lucy but she was to far away. I then blacked out.

Erza p.o.v

Lucy and natsu both passed out. Right now me and gray are trying to fight zeref. I was about to hit him with my swords but he disappeared with Lucy.

I looked over at gray "natsu is not going to like this when he wakes up" gray just nodded.

~5 house later~

Lucy p.o.v
I woke up to be chained against a wall. My vision was blurry but was back to normal after a few seconds.

I looked to see pictures of a girl with blonde hair, bright green eyes.

The room I was in was very dark. The colors of black and red everywhere. The only light source were from candles.

In the corner of my eye I could a dark wedding gown. I then heard footsteps coming my way so I pretended to be asleep.

"I know your awake" the voice said. I looked up to see zeref in a black tux. He walked closer to me and freed me from my chains.

I fell to the floor rubbing my wrist. Looking up at him with disgust.

"You see that gown" he said pointing to the dark gown I seen earlier.

He started again "you are going to put it on for our wedding" he smirked at me and then walked away.

I wanted to cry out for natsu but I knew he wouldn't hear me. I curled up into a ball and started to cry.

"Natsu" I whispered between my sobs. I then heard a loud bang then loud screaming. A certain voice caught me off guard.
It was Natsu's voice.

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