ch. 3 the mission (pt 2)

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P.o.v Natsu
I was screaming and laughing until i felt a pull at my vest. I looked down to see plue but no lucy. Plue started in a direction i am assuming him and lucy were.

I quickly follow, happy not far behind me. We reach the spot and plue shakes. I take a sniff of the air and get angry. Her scent us here but not as strong.

"Where did she go?!?!" I yelled to the world. I looked at happy, he was crying. I patted his head and kept telling him we will get her back.

I just want to know who took Lucy. Plus was just looking around for Lucy. I felt bad for the little guy he looked so lost. All of a sudden he turned into gold, disappearing.

"Plue" I shouted. His gate must have been forced close. I sat down in thought looking up at happy determined.

"Lets go fine lucy" I got up and happy nodded "aye sir" I trailed the air again following what was left of her scent.

P.o.v lucy
I woke up and grabbed my head in pain. "What the hell?!?! Where am I?!?!" I looked up to see I was in a cell.....Tch nothing new about that.

I got up very slowly because if I didn't all the pain I feel will get worst. When I was on my feet, I looked for something that will help me get out of this cell.

I looked at my waist to see my keys and whip were gone.

"Looking for these" I looked up and saw-

P.o.v Natsu
I followed the trail if was getting stronger. Its beautiful scent of vanilla and strawberries.

I loved how she smelled. I stopped running when I came to an old looking building.

I then heard yelling and screaming. I ran in quickly looking around. I chased her scent down a hall which came to a cell.

"Lucy!" I said looking at the cell. The guy looked back at me and smirked. All of sudden his body hit the ground.

A flash of bright light and I saw Lucy come out of the cell with her keys and whip.

"Oi natsu what's the matter" I shook my head. I started to blush because I was day dreaming about her.

I laughed awkwardly and said "nothing just thinking" we walked back to where the job was and finished it without blowing up the town.

We then got back to magnolia and made our way back to the guild. When we entered levy ran to Lucy, and me and gray got into a fight.

P.o.v ???
I sat in the shadows, my decoy laying on the floor turned into smoke.

I smirked finding out how I could get to Natsu Dragneel. The one and only Lucy Heartfillia.

Here is part 2 of the mission, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all next time.

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