Wrong Move

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I was enjoying this party way too much.I'm going to be honest about not having much friends but a lot of folks called me a"Player".Probably because i'm goddamn attractive and handsome looking plus the mark of the vampire bite at the right side of my neck.I'm literally surrounded by girls from the water kingdom.They were just wearing bikini and dancing groovily against my body.Not like that banana,I got ladies.

After a few rounds of drink(They don't drink alcohol,maybe apple juice)I saw Zeno looking gloomy and sad at a corner.I went up to him and said
"C'mon,get rid of that face.Its not suitable for this party situation we got here?"While looking pretty amusing.

He,however return a look that says "Fuck off" and i was taken aback.Geez,what got up his ass?I was...not really happy with his comeback.I mean,its who i am and its also my goddamn personality.Before,i can think wisely,My body reacts on its own and shove Zeno hard.And by i mean Hard, really really hard.He went flying back destroying a couple of candy houses in the process.The cookie-made house crumbles and shattered while pieces fall slowly and dust of the cookies were everywhere before I knew what was happening.And I know...I'm f****d.

He emerged from the half destroyed house while his eyes glowing red although his figure was still in the dust.Well,from this point I was about  one thing.He is pissed..;)(Lol)

Once Zeno was sure he's in my  eyesight,he growled.And let me pause it,I,Adam the vampire shivered for the first very time.I gulped as Zeno growled everytime his shirt ripped piece by piece.Zeno's muscles started to extend than an ordinary person would.Zeno took a huge breath before releasing a humongous roar that scared the entire party away.Candy folks were running and screaming for help.Well,i almost screamed as well.

In a blink of an eye,Zeno transformed into a Huge Lycan and he's naked of course.He stared intensely at me and and I looked away to avoid his scary and intense gaze that was upon me.

He roars while suddenly charging at me while i quickly turn into a vampire bat form and fly away just in the nick of time.I landed and look over my shoulder to see Zeno stared at me and smirk.Boy,a fight is about to began...

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