Chapter 12

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My body wakes up to a weight on me then my eyes shoot open, the first thing I see is Brendon, shirtless straddling my waist.

"Happy birthday!" He smiles really big. I smile back lightly, not yet ready to be apart of the world yet. I wipe my eyes a little and then look back at Brendon.

"Thank you" I smile bigger this time. He smiles one more time and slides off of me gently. I sit up and watch him as he leaves the room, fluffing his hair out. I get out of bed and throw the shirt he was wearing last night over my bare torso and follow him. He sits on a stool at the island in his kitchen with a small box in front of him. I take a seat across him tugging at the shirt to pull it down further but it doesn't do much.

"Open" he orders pushing the box to me. I smile lightly and start opening the box. Inside is a necklace. It has a heart on it, that is silver. It looks old and used, I look up at him with a confused look. It's not that I don't like it, I love it actually I really don't need new shiny things from him, his love will do just fine as cliche and tacky as it sounds.

"It was my moms. Sorry it isn't new. I hope you like it still. My mother would be so happy I finally gave it to someone" he explains. My eyes start to well up but I don't let any of my tears spill out. I can't believe he would do that for me. No one has ever given me something passed down through their family, not even my family. "Babe? What is it? You don't like it...I can buy you something different if you want" he corrects himself coming closer to me. I shake my head as he spins my seat so I'm facing him.

"No..." I choke on my words. "Brendon-I love it. Thank you so much. It''s the best gift I could ever ask for." I finally let out. His worried looked turns into a bright smile. "I can't take this from you was your moms. It must mean the world to you"

"It would mean even more to me if you wore it." He places his hands on my bare thighs and pulls himself in between my legs. He takes the necklace from my hands and easily latches it around my neck. I wipe my tears away and hug him tightly. After a while he pulls away from the hug, our faces just barley apart. He slides his hands on to my cheeks and looks me in the eyes.

"There is no one I would want more to wear this necklace than you" he smirks. He presses his lips to mine and I melt into his kiss letting his lips lead. He pulls away, taking my lip in between his teeth as he does. He lets go and pecks my lips once more.

"Mm I love you" I smile warmly.

"I love you too" he slides his thumb across my cheek softly, turning into a caress with his full hand.

"What do you want to do today? Today is all yours."

"Well I want breakfast right now" I tell him. He rolls his eyes playfully at my sarcastic comment and starts making me breakfast.

After breakfast we chill out on the couch watching tv. I lay against his body, facing upward, his arm around me holding me slung over my shoulder. I grab his hand and hold on to it.

"I have to get home soon Bren." I say randomly on a commercial break.

"Why?" He says with a whine.

"You can't keep me here forever. It's my birthday, don't you think my family wants to see me...and my friends" I sit up and turn to look up. He pulls himself to sit up too and slides to the edge of the couch.

"I want to keep you forever" he sighs with a smile.

"Too bad. I have people to see" I tell him as my phone rings, "Speaking of" I hold my phone up to show him it's my mom. I answer with a cheerful "hey mom!"

"I was wondering when you were coming home today? Happy Birthday by the way" she says.

"How does one sound. Ashley really wants to hang out today" I tell her.

"Alright see you then...I-" she gets cut off. "Sorry we have a surprise for you" she says.

"We?" I say nervously as I remember my dad came back.

"'ll find out when you get here" she hangs up. I put my phone down and start thinking about the bruises I had on my body from him, there's still some on me but I ignore them like they aren't there. So does Brendon, because I asked him too. After him fighting my dad I didn't want him to do anything stupid again.

"Delilah? What is it?" He asks pulling me from my thoughts. I look at him tears in my eyes.

"I mom and dad got back together" I let out a few tears and throw my head in my hands.

"Oh no...Delilah. I'm so sorry" he pulls me into his chest. "I won't let anything happen to you. You can  live with me. That was the plan right? For you to live with me."

"Brendon...I can't just move in with you. My mom will find out I'm with you, you're my teacher. You could get fired" I cry.

"Delilah, look at me" he pulls my face up to look at him and I do. "I don't give a fuck if I get fired...I will do anything I can to protect you." He looks dead in my eyes. His words make me smile and then I kiss him. He melts into it but soon takes over. I pull away and peck his lips once more. I'm about to get up when he pulls me by my shirt down to him and kisses me again, this time harder and full of force. He lays down taking me with him, never breaking the kiss. He tugs at my shirt pulling it off, leaving me in just bra and panties. I don't get to into it, knowing he won't take it far. To my surprise he keeps going, only pulling away to catch his breath.

He pulls off his pajama pants and throws them to the floor. He picks me, carrying me by my butt, still kissing me. I feel my back against the door and then the door opens and I am dropped to the bed. Is this finally happening? Is he finally going to do it? I shouldn't get my hopes up, he's done this before. He moves from my lips to my neck, sucking hard at my skin, making me moan loudly. I can feel him smirk against my skin but I ignore it.

His hands slides through my hair as he moves further down.

"Brendon" I gasp. He moves back up and kisses my lips gently. He straddles my hips and just stares at me. He smiles and then presses himself on me, my hips buck at the pressed and then gently go back down.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you too" I reply. He smiles at me and then kisses me sweetly. Is that it? I freaking knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. We got further than usual, I just wish he would do- my thoughts are cut off by him reaching
around me to un clasp my bra. 

"Brendon-" I look at him confused. Before he gets it off he looks at me.

"Did you not want too?" He asks.

"I do...I just wasn't expecting this" I almost laugh at how happy I am to finally be here. He doesn't say anything and finishes doing what he was doing, my bra falls to my lap and with a smile I throw it off. I lean up and kiss him softly against his lips and then lay against the bed, letting him take over. He kisses my lips once more and then starts leaving trails down to my thighs. He kisses my stomach once and then slides my panties off. I buck my hips up to help and then he throws them on the floor. He grabs a condom from his bedside table and I don't watch as he puts it on. He hovers back over me and kisses my neck and then my chest. He reajusts himself and slowly makes his way inside of me. I gasp lightly at it when it's fully in. He starts going slow at first. He barries his head into my neck moaning as he goes. I start scratching at his back as he goes faster, I moan his name, it feels so amazing. This moment with him is so amazing I don't want to lose it ever.

My head tilts back and my eyes screw shut, my mouth gapes open. My toes curls and my hips buck up and down, following his motion. He moves his head off of me and then presses his lips to mine, I stay kissing his lips, his tounge slides in and out. Not in a sloppy way but in a loving way. He stops kissing me and moves to my neck again. My legs wrap around his torso, I groan when he slows down, begging for more. He listens and starts speeding up again. I moan his name and I watch him smile at it.

I feel myself getting close and I screw my eyes shut, I concentrate on this moment, getting me closer and closer to reaching my high. I stuff my face into the crook of his neck as I let myself go, I moan loudly, it lasts long and I love it. When I finish i lay back down, I watch as he keeps going and then I feel him release into the condom. His eyes shut and his mouth parts and he moans my name. When he finishes he stays in the same position for a while and then pulls himself out of me and lays down next to me. Neither of say a word, letting the moment last longer.

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