Chapter 30

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Yesterday someone from the prison Delilah's mother is at called and said that her mother really wanted to speak to her, that she was acting out of control and begging to see her daughter, so today against our will we are going to visit her to see what she wants from Delilah.
"Are you sure about this?" I ask Delilah as we pull up to the jail.
"Yes, I have to see why she wants me so badly but...I think I should do this on my own." She says.
"You think you can handle it?" I question and she nods.
"Alright" I sigh and then kiss her right before she gets out of the car.
Delilahs pov
I walk into the gray building, my heart race increasing and my palms sweating.  What could she possibly have to say to me? I swallow hard once and then tell a security guard who I am, she understands right away and takes me to a booth with glass and a telephone like in the movies, I sit back and watch as people in orange jumpsuits come to talk to the people surrounding my side of the glass. Then I see her and it feels like my breath has been knocked out of me. I watch as she makes her way over to me, her brown long hair wild and free like it hadn't been brushed for months. She looks at me and smiles like I'm her savior but I don't smile back, I keep my face still until she sits in front of me and picks up the phone on her side, I pick mine up and wait for her to say something.
"Delilah. It's been a while." She keeps the same smile on her face and I say nothing. "I know what I did to you was terrible but I just wanted to say how sorry I am, I was just so in love with him-"
"Cut the bullshit mom, I don't want to hear your lame excuses. You were terrible for the way you treated me, you're my mother you're suppose to protect me from people like him but instead you were on his side, you're a sadistic fuck and I can't even look at you" I spit at her and she pulls a shocked face.
"I..I don't know what you want me to say..,Delilah I'm sorry-"
"You put me through hell and you want me to come here and accept your apology well I don't. He abused me and you just sat back and watched. You both tried to kill me and my teacher, Mr. Urie was only trying to help me because I told him what was going on and he wanted to make sure I was safe unlike my own mother and that is why you are where you are, so fuck you" I finish and almost hang up when she stops me.
"Delilah you're right. I have no right to think you would forgive me and I deserve to be here but..."
"But what? Did you think I was gunna come here and instantly forgive you?" I hold back tears. "Everything that happened back there was because of you so I'm leaving, I'm leaving the state so when you get out I hope you can find dad to cuddle with because you won't find me, have a nice life" I throw one last punch and then get up and walk away.
I wipe my tears away and walk back the car. Brendon instantly gets out of the car and hugs me.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He asks, looking in to my eyes.
"She just...expecting me to forgive her..." I shake my head. "Can we go?"
"Yes, of course" he nods and opens the door for me to get in.

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