Chapter 21

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"Delilah, honey...guess who's here!" My moms voice wakes me up from my long slumber. How long have I been asleep? More importantly, how long have I been here?
Everything has blended. I can't remember what day it is or how long ago my dad took me from school. It's just one big blur.
"It's Brendon!" She shouts and I sit up. What? No. No. No. I scramble out of bed and go to stand up, only to remember my dad beat up a little ago and hit me in the leg with something so hard, he fractured my knee. I can't remember what it was, all I know is, I can't stand on my right leg.
I pull myself off the floor and limp as fast as possible to the living room.
I see Brendon standing there, looking confused and worried. He sees me and his eyes light up.
"Brendon! Get out!" I order him. He looks confused again and steps closer to me. At the same time my dad comes from his room.
"Brendon! Seriously! You need to go!" I grab my knee and limp over to him.
"Looky who it is, its the dude fucking my daughter" my dad laughs.
"And the guy beating up my girlfriend" Brendon laughs, a cold, fake, annoyed laugh.
"He did that to you, didn't he?" Brendon looks to me. I nod and look away.
"I'm going to kill you!" Brendon steps closer to my dad.
"Touch me and I'll have you arrested..I mean, I am anyways but I'll press way more charges."
"I haven't done anything for you too"
"Beat me up in my own house, remember"
"I was defending her!" He points to me.
"Leave him alone!" I cry out to my dad.
"You stay out of this, you whore!" My mom shouts and grabs me. "You're gunna want to watch this" she laughs. Putting one hand on my mouth and using her other to hold my hands behind me. I struggle to get free but I can't. I watch as my dad gets closer to Brendon and socks him right in the face. Brendon falls and I cry out. My dad kicks him in the stomach and I begin to cry and beg for mercy.
Just as my dad walks away for a second, Brendon grabs him by the ankles and pulls him to the ground. Brendon pula himself closer to my dad and swings his fist right into his face.
I watch them wrestle back and forth a few minutes until I see my dad grab a knife from off the counter.
I angrily bite my moms hand and then elbow her. She moves away groaning and I run to my dad.
I go for the knife as Brendon steps back. My dad moves away and then brings the knife towards me and Brendon punches him in the face.
My dad goes down, dropping the knife from his hand. I grab it and point the blade in his face.
"Get up and I will stab you" I tell him. He opens his eyes and leans his head up.
"This isn't over" he says groggy, blood running down his face.
"I think it is" I glare. Without a word my mom slams into me, pushing me away, making me drop the knife. I groan, holding my head.
From my cold seat on the floor I watch as Brendon fights both my mom and dad.
I pull myself up and limp to my mom. I punch her straight in the temple and she falls down, unconscious. The knife is now in Brendon's hands and he moves closer to my dad.
"I warned you, I warned you not to touch her ever again and you did. Look at her, look what you did to her. You sick fuck. I'm either going to kill you or call the police." He walks closer. "Your fucking choice asshole"
"Fuck you man. She's my daughter. Mine!" He spits.
"Not anymore fucker. She's 18. She's no ones." He looks from him to me.
"I could fucking kill you right now!" My dad shouts.
"If you could you would have" Brendon shouts back. He reaches over and grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door. As soon as our backs are towards the door he drops the knife and we race to his car. Me limping in pain.
Without a word, we get in and start driving. He pulls his phone out and puts it to his ear.
"I'd like to report a domestic disputes at 137 west ace street" he begins. I keep my mouth shut and fall back, letting my eyes shut and closing out the world for a little.
3 days later
"Alright...that should do it. Try and stay off the leg for a few days" the doctor tells me and I smile and nod.
After the doctor leaves, Brendon slides back in the room.
"How are you doing?" He asks.
"Better, now that I'm out of there" I sit up.
"Delilah, I am so sorry for leaving you behind. I completely forgot about how you're dad could go to the school and get you. I'm such an idiot" he explains sitting down.
"It's fine, they're both in prison now"
"Well not officially. They have court. Which we have to go to in a week, you know to testify"
"Brendon.." I pause not sure what to say. "Thank you for saving me"
"I wouldn't have needed to if I didn't want to go to fucking Disney land"
"But you always wanted to go" I smile, grabbing his arm.
"And I've always wanted to be with you but I can't do that if you're dead...Delilah, you are everything to me. I love you so much, i can not imagine my life after you. If I came back and you were dead I wouldn't know what to do with myself." He leans in, looking into my eyes. "You're my entire world" he pauses. "I thought when you stopped texting me that you were mad at me, this never even crossed my mind and I hate myself for it"
"Brendon it's-"
"No. Delilah, think about it. The thought of you being angry at me hurt me so much I stayed in my hotel for most of the trip but if would have came home to find you dead, that would have literally killed me" he looks into my eyes for a second and then down at our connected hands. "And that's why we're moving" he says not looking at me.
"We're moving? Where?" I ask him.
"I called that professor back and I took the position. I start this fall."
"Brendon, I-" he stops me.
"I need to get you away from him. Away from this life. I don't want you to ever get hurt again. So we're leaving next month" he tells me.
"Please. If you've never trusted me before, this is what you need to trust me on" he squeezes my hand.
"Of course I trust you Brendon. You're the love of my life. How could I not" a tear trickles down my face.

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