Chapter 17

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Today I got an email from the principal saying that they are taking the AP students to Disney land for 2 weeks and I was chosen as a chaperone. I never get chosen for this and I am so excited for it.
The trip is this Monday which is 3 days away!
I put all my papers in my brief case and run out to my car, I can't wait to tell Delilah.
When I get to my house Delilah is on the phone so I wait patiently on the couch.
"Alright...see you then" she smiles and hangs up.
"Hey babe" I kiss her lips.
"Hi seem excited. What about?" She asks.
"Well....the principle emailed me and said I was chosen as one of the chaperones for going to Disney Land on Monday!" I shout.
"That's so great for you long is it?" She asks raising an eyebrow.
"2 weeks"
"You'll be gone 2 whole weeks?" She questions looking sad and I just now realize I'll be away from her for 2 weeks.
"Yeah but...we can skype every night"
Delilahs pov
"2 weeks" he answers and my heart drops. 2 weeks, in that time my dad could find me and I don't want that. I can't tell him not to go, he'll be crushed. He's been talking about wanting to go to Disney Land forever.
"You'll be gone 2 whole weeks?" I finally say.
"Yeah but we can skype every night" although that's not enough to keep my dad away I can't tell him not to go. So I say a quick, yay! To throw him off guard.
"So we have this whole weekend to do whatever we want" he informs me.
"What to do...what to do?" I ask. I know exactly what I want to do and he knows it. He leans in and kisses me gently, only for me to make it more forceful. Brendon's phone goes off and he groans in irritation and then pulls his phone out of his pocket.
"Hello?" He answers angrily and I laugh.
"Oh, hi....Mr. Stephenson I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to decline...I'm sorry, sir. Maybe next year" he says and hangs up.
"Bren...who was that?" I ask.
"It was the super intendant for a college. He offered me a job a couple months ago, he said he would get back to as soon as possible. I don't want it now"
"Why not?" I question.
"Cause it's 300 miles away from the school and you, I mean its all the way in Arizona"
"I could come with you" I tell him.

"Seriously, don't worry about it. I'll get it next year. The position has been open for a year, it will be next year too...when you've graduated and we can go there together...and buy a house and start a life. Just the two of us" 

"Bren, are you staying here because I haven't graduated and you don't want me to stay here and you leave?" 

"No, not at all. I just wouldn't expect you to switch schools when you have less then half a year left" 

"Brendon, do you want this job" I ask sitting up and looking at him. 

"Not as much as I want you" he says in a cliche way. 

"Brendon Boyd! Do not let me stop you from what you want. I'm not going to stand in your w-" he covers my mouth. 

"Shhh, woman! I'm staying here for another wether you like it or not! Shut it" he removes his hand with a smirk. 

"But Brendon I-" he covers my mouth again. 

"No" He orders. I sigh and he slowly moves his hand from my mouth. 

"Fine Brendon, if you want to stay here, then stay, who am I to stop you" I get off the couch and walk towards the bathroom, waving my hand behind me.

"Well, you're my girlfriend..." I can hear him walking behind me. "But not my decision maker?" He says as a form of a question. I ignore him and close the bathroom door. "Delilah..." He knocks on the door. "Are you mad at me?" He questions. I let out a laugh, I leave the room and he thinks I'm mad. How adorable. 

"No, Bren. I'm not mad" I say with a little snort. I look at myself in the mirror and realize how tired I look. When was the last time I actually slept. I suppose I haven't gotten a good nights sleep since that nightmare, I continuously wake up to the same nightmare, and I am never able to fall back asleep. I rub my eyes a little to wake my body up with little success. 

"Delilah, if your not mad. Come out of the bathroom so I can see your not mad" he pleads. I let out a long exasperated sigh and open the door. 

"I'm not mad, I'm just-" I stop myself from saying that I'm extremely exhausted but can't sleep because of many reasons because I know he will worry about it and I don't want this on him.

"Just what?" He questions. 

"Nothing, dont worry about" 

"Delilah, are you okay?" He asks. I nod and close my eyes, loving the rest they are getting. "D" he shouts. 

"Sorry, sorry. I'm tired" I open my eyes. I get really dizzy for a second and Brendon catches me by my arm. 

"Whow, whow. Babe, are you okay?" He helps me to the couch. 

"I'm tired, i said" I groan and close my eyes. 

I wake up screaming and sweating, it feels like there's something choking me. I sit up, frantically trying to get the hands away from my neck. 

"Delilah! Delilah" A voice shouts at me and pulls my hands away from my neck. The hands seem to disappear and I open my eyes. 

"Brendon?" I ask, seeing him blurry but then clearly. 

"Are you okay?" He asks and I nod. 

"Just a long was I asleep" 

"Bout 3 hours...what was the nightmare about?" He questions and I shrug.

"I can't...remember, all I recall is waking up to the feeling of being violently choked. Like I couldn't breath, as if there were actual hands wrapped around my neck" I press my hands against my neck in the way it felt before" he pulls my hands way, keeping a strong hold on them in a comforting fashion. 

"Has this happened before?" He questions. 

"Once or twice" I shrug.

Brendons pov 

Its been an hour since Delilah passed out on the couch, luckily I checked her pulse and she was still breathing so I tucked her in on the couch, I would have put her in the bed but I wanted to watch her, to make sure nothing bad would happen. 

I've been awkwardly sitting here for half an hour watching her, as creepy as that sounds, i can't leave the room for more then 5 minutes without racing back in to make sure she's okay. I feel like a god damned parent in a hospital room right now. I stand up, fluff my hair out and go to the kitchen. I pace back and forth, nervously. 

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