Chapter 25

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My phone dings and I check the message, from Delilah. It's a picture message. I click it and it's a picture of Delilah, wearing nothing but a blanket, covering only the naughty parts, biting her lip. With the caption: I think I'll wear this until you get home...and only this.
My cheeks turn bright read and I get a shit eating grin on my face.
"Hey Urie" a knock on the door makes me click off my phone and look up. It the janitor, that guy and I go way back. We both started on the same day here and we sorta became friends. We talk every once in a while.

"Hey Madox" I grin, still keeping the image of Delilah naked all day in the back of my mind.

"So you're really leaving?" He questions.

"Yeah, next month" I squirm in my seat. Delilah naked, my mind shows me the image again but I shrug it off.

"Wow, it's been us at this school for 5 years. I remember when we started together and now you're leaving." He sighs.

"It's crazy" I nod along. Delilah naked. My mind pops the image up and I grind my teeth.

"I better go, it was nice knowing you kid" he nods and I do too. He leaves and I shoot my phone back up to my face. The image still there, as I unlock the screen. I groan and let my body fall back. Fucking school. I roll my eyes and begin a message.

How could you send that to me, while I'm at work. Ugh! You'll be taking care of this when I get home.

The bell rings and I toss my phone in my draw, I won't touch it until after school. Kids start piling in and I get ready for pouring questions about how to do stuff.

"Yes" I answer the last question of the day, to the answer "can we leave?" As the bell rings. I sigh and sink in my seat. I grab the pile of papers off from the edge of my desk and begin grading them, if I get all my work down now I won't have to worry about it later.

5 papers later I get a text from Delilah. Another picture attachment. I nervously click on it and it's a picture of her, she looks fresh out of the shower, her hair covering her face, in the sexiest of ways, her bright blue eyes, popping out and her pink plump lips, curved up in small smirk, showing her pretty teeth. With no caption at all. That's probably the sexiest picture ever. I save the picture to my phone and gather my things. I can finish grading at home.

Once I get home, I open the door to a dark house. I sort my things down and look around for her.

"Delilah!" I call out. No answer.

"D!!!!" I shout again. Nothing. I race up stairs and open a bunch of doors, no one. Until I get to the bedroom.

"Babe?" I ask, opening the door. There she is, cuddled under some blankets, mouth hanging open, hair all flailed out, and even in this moment, she hasn't looked cuter. I snap a quick picture on my phone of her adorable self and set my phone on the night stand. I take my glasses off and pull off my shirt. I curl up in bed next to her, burying my nose in her hair. I breath in once and smile as I fall asleep.

"Brendon" she shakes me, with a whine in her voice. I stir for a second and then open my eyes.

"What?" I ask, my voice groggy.

"You should have woke me when you got home!" She slaps my ass. I flinch once and then turn around on to my back.

"Why?" I ask, looking up at her. She sits crossed leg, looking down at me, her hair still flared out in her cute little way.

"Because....I mean, I didn't send those pictures for no reason"

"I know, and I thank you for those but you looked so tired and so comfortable. I couldn't wake you." My hand moves to the small of her back and I rub it gently.

"I just got a terrible headache, that's all" she shrugs.

"Are you okay now?" I ask, pulling myself up.

"Yeah I'm fine" she smiles.

"Now about those pictures, that was the hardest half hour of my life." I smirk.

"Yeah?" She questions, sitting up on her knees. I slide of the bed and lean my legs against the bed.

"Yes, to know you are here all by yourself, without me. Not dressed...."

"Oh, really?" She raises her eyebrow and bites her lip. And with that I go straight into kissing her, she knows what that does to me. My hands graze her back and they continue down until they reach her ass, grasping it hard. She gasps into the kiss, her hands going into my hair and tugging at the ends. She drops back letting her body fall against the bed, I fall with. Her legs flying up to my sides and I catch them with the crooks of my arms, pulling myself into the empty space between her legs, all the while never breaking the kiss.
For a second my pant leg gets caught on the metal part of the bed frame so I pull away to try and free myself, Delilah starts to laugh that adorable laugh of hers, when I look up at her to reassure her I'll free myself soon, her eyes light up with laughter and her hand flies up to cover her mouth.
I finally free my pant leg and crawl all the way on the bed, hovering over her with the palms of my hands on either side of her head. I reach down and continue kissing her, her hands going up to my bare back and then sliding up to my hair.
"I love you" she smiles when I pull away.
"I love you too" I smile back and kiss her cheek.
Her hand slides down to my arm and she starts tracing my tattoos. First my Junk aesthetic tattoo, then down to the piano and then the flowers and finally Sinatra. I just watch as her fingers glide against my skin and her eyes watch as she goes. I bite my lip to hold back the shit eating grin on my face. Her eyes finally meet mine and her faces flushes.
"Sorry, I just think they're very pretty." She says, covering her face.
"It's fine D. I liked it" I kiss her cheek and lay down next to her.
"I seriously want one" she sighs, turning to look at me.
"Tell you what, this Saturday we'll go get one together. Are you sure you can handle it?" I ask.
"Yes! Thank you Bren!" She smiles and kisses my lips before getting up and leaving the room.
"Where are you going?" I ask, sitting up on my elbows.
"To call Ashley" she shouts. I sigh and lay back and cover my face with my palms.

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