Chapter One: Scorpius

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                     When the rain came, it was almost unbearable.  Scorpius hated the rain. Nothing to do. He couldn't go outside and have fun with his animal friends or swim in the lake behind his house.  As he looked outside, he thought of all the fun things he could be doing outside instead of sitting at a desk and doing nothing.

"Hey Scorpius, want to go to Grandma's?" His mother suddenly  appeared in the doorway. 

"Hi. Sure." He said. What else was there to do? He gathered his books and some clothes and packed. 

It was an hour's drive to grandma's house. Scorpius drew in his sketchbook the whole way.  When they arrived at the old mansion, Scorpius's grandmother greeted them. 

"Why didn't you come by Floo Powder, Astoria? No one drives anymore." Said Scorpius's grandmother to his mother.

"I'm not lazy. It wasn't that bad of a drive." Answered Astoria. She hugged her mother and went inside. 

Scorpius hugged his grandmother and told her hello and went inside. His two younger  cousins, Benny and Conner stood beside their father.

Oh, great, thought Scorpius. He thought his cousins were the most annoying people on the face of the earth. All Conner wanted to do was play some sort of wizard video game and all Benny wanted to do was play all day, every day.

"Scorie! Let's play house! You'll be the doggy!" Benny tugged on his arm. Scorpius tried to pull away, but the kid had a tight grip.

"No. No one wants to play any of your stupid kiddy games. Let's play one of my video games!" Said Conner.

"What exactly do you do in one of your video games?" Asked Scorpius.

"Kill Muggles!" Conner exclaimed. 

Scorpius winced and almost said something, but figured it wasn't worth getting in trouble for.

"I know what you boys can do," Said Grandma. "You can play help-the-neighbors-move-in!" 

"Yeah! How do you play?" Asked little Benny, jumping up and down.

"You go next door and help the new neighbors move in without whining and complaining!" Said Grandma.

"Yay!" Exclaimed Benny, while Conner groaned in the background.

"Now, all of you go and don't have attitudes." Grandma waved them off.

Benny skipped to the neighbors' house while Conner and Scorpius followed behind.

A nice lady who looked about Astoria's age stood in the driveway next to a moving truck. She had brown hair like Astoria's  only shorter. 

"Hello! I'm Diane. Thank you for helping us, boys." Diane went back inside her house. Scorpius noticed the Weird Sisters were playing. A cute girl around his age was inside of the moving truck, unloading things. She stopped when she saw him. She had long, blond hair that was as light as Scorpius's and crystal blue eyes that shimmered like diamonds. She didn't look a thing like her mother.

"I'm Gloria. And you are?" She stuck out her hand for Scorpius to shake.

"Conner!" Conner butted in and shook her hand wildly. Gloria pulled back and slapped his hand.

"I wan't talking to you." Said Gloria. She looked at Scorpius and offered her hand again.

"I'm Scorpius." Scorpius shook her hand politely.

"Alright, Scorpius, we better get to work. This truck won't unload itself." She said. Then they got to work. When they were halfway finished, Scorpius met Gloria's two older brothers. They looked like their mother, unlike Gloria. 

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