Chapter Eight: The Food Fight

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Picture of McGonagall by rollingbug

        Rose sat helplessly on a bench inside Hogwarts, her face hidden in her hands. Azalea was next to her, trying to comfort her the best she could. Rose couldn't help it, and the tears came. She hated it, but she was a bit sensitive. It was her biggest weakness. 

        "I'm sorry Rose." Azalea said, patting Rose's back slowly, unsure if it was the right thing to do.

        "It's not your fault. I just don't understand why they have to be so mean." Rose said quietly. 

        "They're just stupid purebloods. Don't let them get to you. All they are is mean." Azalea said. Rose nodded, blowing her nose with a tissue Azalea had given her.

        "Let's go back to the common room. I have some Chocolate Frogs in my bag." Azalea said. Hearing that, Rose perked up. She eagerly followed Azalea up to the common room. On their way, a girl about her age approached Rose. She started smiling.

        "Wow. You're Rose Weasley! Hermione and Ron's daughter!" Said the girl excitedly. 

        "Yes. Hi." Rose said. She had no experience with this before. The girl offered her a pen and paper, Rose signed it. She could she Albus', and James' signatures on the paper. Once Rose finished, the girl skipped off happily. 

        "It's like you're famous! Well, you sort of are-"

        "Azalea, the only reason she even knows me is because my parents are on Chocolate Frog cards." Rose laughed.

        The rest of the week flew by for Rose, she was doing great, as expected. She was already getting the best grades even in the first week of school. Soon, the first week was coming to an end and it was Friday. Lunch time to be exact. Rose was just reading her book when it happened. A piece of chicken was thrown at her head. The chicken fell in her soup. Rose was shocked. She turned her head in the direction of where the chicken gone air borne was thrown. She saw Gloria giggling, and her friends were half shocked, half amused. Suddenly Rose's shock turned into anger. Without thinking, she grabbed a piece of chicken off a platter and threw it at Gloria. Gloria cleverly ducked and the chicken hit Scorpius square in the face. He grew red in embarrassment. Then he chucked an apple at Rose. Pretty soon everyone was in an all out food fight. The Great Hall was now the centre of a massive food fight hurricane. Yep. It was that big. Some students were crawling under the tables to avoid being hit, but their plans ultimately failed.

        "STOP! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" Shouted Headmistress McGonagall. Her loud voice of authority thundered throughout the Great Hall, stopping everyone in their tracks. They were all covered in food.

        "Who started this?" She asked. Rose had a feeling she already knew. All Slytherin hands pointed to Rose, while all Gryffindors, including Rose, pointed at Scorpius and Gloria. The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were neutral. 

        "You three!" Said McGonagall. Everyone knew she was talking to Gloria, Scorpius, and Rose.

        "It wasn't Gloria's fault!" Said Scorpius. McGonagall seemed surprised. 

        "Okay, fine. You two. Malfoy and Weasley. Meet me here after you get cleaned up. She sounded disappointed. Rose felt the same way. She couldn't believe what she had done. Her parents would kill her. She could get expelled. Rose's heart stopped at the thought of that. She couldn't get expelled. No, no, no, no.

        Once she was all clean, and after many 'good lucks' from her peers, Rose entered the Great Hall where McGonagall and Scorpius were waiting. McGonagall cleared her throat.

        "Rose Weasley. Scorpius Malfoy. You will write your parents and tell them what you have done. Apologize to each other." She said.

        "Sorry." Scorpius grumbled, not looking at Rose.

        "Fine. You want to do it the hard way? Now you must write each other letters apologizing," McGonagall said, "Now, for the rest of the day, as I'm sure it'll take that long, you'll be cleaning this mess."

        "What about classes?" Asked Rose quietly.

        "On Saturday you'll make them up. You'll also have detention. On Sunday, too. I will not tolerate this nonsense in my school. There are some rags and other supplies over there." And she swiftly walked out of the Great Hall. Rose and Scorpius picked up some rags and started wiping the food into buckets and wiping down the tables.

        "You missed a spot." Rose had the nerve to say to Scorpius.

        "Okay, smarty." He replied.

        "I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult. Because with you it's hard to tell." Rose replied.

        "Mudbloods." Scorpius muttered. Rose heard and threw her dirty rag at him.

        "First a food fight. Now a rag fight?" Scorpius threw the rag back at Rose. Soon they were in a rag fight. Rose was just really in the mood to throw contaminated rags at Malfoy's face. Soon Rose was out of breath. She sat down next to Scorpius. He was tired, too. They sat in silence for what seemed like forever to Rose, but in reality it was only a few seconds. Rose wondered what the heck she was doing, sitting with a Malfoy. What would her family say? Even if they made eye contact, Rose's parents would disapprove. Rose never forgot that he was the one who caused her tears, though and kept her distance. At least for now. 


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