Chapter Four: The Sorting Hat

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        On the Hogwarts Express, Rose finally found a compartment to sit in. She sat in the empty seat with Albus, until Alice Longbottom asked if she could sit with them. She had long, brown hair a bright face that never stopped smiling. Then, a pretty girl with long blonde hair, nice green eyes, and a bright, straight smile asked if she could sit with them also.

        "My name is Azalea." She introduced herself. 

        Finally two boys named Charlie and Matthew joined them. Charlie had brown hair and a few freckles. Rose thought he was handsome and apparently so did Azalea, Rose noticed her staring at him. Matthew had ginger hair and was a bit shy. Him and Alice seemed to be complete opposites, but they got along well. Matthew didn't talk much, but Alice was very chatty. Soon, they arrived at Hogwarts! It was absolutely breathtaking. Imagine the prettiest building you can, Hogwarts was 10x as beautiful. A very tall man with a long, bushy, brown beard traveled with them across the river to Hogwarts. Then a handsome man with brown hair greeted them.

        "Hello, new students." He said.

        "Hi dad!" Said Alice. The young professor was her dad, Neville Longobottom. He taught Herbology.

        "Hi! You all are about to be sorted. Sit at any table you choose." Said Professor Longbottom. Rose sat down at a random table and immediately noticed the kids from the book shop. Just my luck, she thought, and hid her face.

        "What's wrong?" Said Azalea, who was sitting next to her. Rose pointed at them quickly, trying not to be noticed.

        "Oh, they look like Malfoys." Azalea replied, rolling her eyes. Soon enough, the Sorting Hat began calling out names. The blonde girl was called. Rose found out her name was Gloria. She wasn't a Malfoy, though. Gloria went over to the Sorting Hat. Unsurprisingly, she was placed into Slytherin. Then Matthew was called and was placed into Gryffindor. Then the boy was called. So his name was Scorpius, Rose found out. There weren't any gasps of surprise when he was placed into Slytherin. A few other kids were called. Charlie was called next. He was in Gryffindor. He sat down next to Matthew at the Gryffindor table. A girl named Elise was called and placed into Slytherin. Albus was placed into Gryffindor, Faith in Slytherin, and Azalea in Gryffindor. At the end of the sorting, everything worked out great, with all of Rose's friends in her house (Gryffindor), and all of Scorpius' friends in his house. Not everyone was happy with what the Sorting Hat said, though. There was a pair of twins who looked scared to death when they were placed into Slytherin. 

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