Chapter Seven: The Beauty Queen and the Horse Boy

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Credit for drawing of Victorie and Teddy goes to Burdge

        Sheesh, do I have all my classes with Rose, Scorpius thought. He was eating lunch with his friends. 

        "That girl, Rose, is so weird. She's obsessed with all things Muggle." Elise told Gloria.

        "I know right. If I have one more class with that know-it-all mudblood, I might just scream." Gloria replied. 

        "I have Transfiguration next, what about you?" Xavier suddenly asked.

        "History of Magic." Elise and Zacharias said at the same time. Everyone laughed.

         "Well, I have Potions next. What about you, Scor?" Gloria asked.

        "I have Potions, too." Replied Scorpius.

         "But of course we have a free period before our next class." Said Elise.

        "Yeah, I believe everyone in our year does." Said Gloria. After lunch, Scorpius spent his free period with his friends by the lake. He only saw Rose once, when she was taking pictures of Hogwarts before she disappeared inside the school.

        "That mudblood..." Gloria rolled her eyes and laughed, her friends chiming in. Azalea, who was sitting close by, noticed. She obviously wasn't happy. Scorpius laid back on the grass, looking up into the cloudy sky. It seemed as if he had only closed his eyes for a second before Gloria woke him.

        "Scorpius, wake up!" She said.

         "Huh?! Oh... uh... right." He mumbled. He went to History of Magic with Xavier a bit sleepy. It was boring (Scorpius almost fell asleep twice, and that wasn't even because he was tired), but not as boring as Muggle Studies. Finally, a few classes later, it was time for his last class of the day: Transfiguration. The lady who taught Transfiguration, Mrs. Chase, was a younger, with dirty blonde hair and piercing green eyes.

        "Today we will be learning about a special kind of Transfiguration. I have a special guest. Teddy?" She called. A gorgeous girl with light (sort of strawberry) blonde hair opened the door for a boy with crutches. He had bright blue hair and eyes.

        "Lupin?! What happened to you?" Professor Chase asked the young man.

        "Well, Victorie and I were sitting at her house, bored. I had an excellently fun idea. I told her, 'how about we try to ki-" 

         "Ted!" Victorie punched his arm.

        "Ow! Alright, feisty. Long story short I fell off a broomstick." Teddy said. The whole class laughed, Professor Chase shaking her head, but she couldn't hide a smile.

        "How smart." She said. "Anyways," she continued, "Teddy Lupin has a special feature. He can transform himself." The whole class burst out laughing when Teddy suddenly transformed his mouth, nose, and chin into a horse's muzzle and tried to kiss Victorie. 

        "Alright! Alright! Everyone calm down!" Professor Chase calmed down the noisy class and taught her class, with Teddy and Victorie. Well that was an interesting class, Scorpius thought. By the time Scorpius was finished with homework it was time for dinner. He ate with his friends, at their spot at the front of the table. 

        "I could get used to this!" Zacharias said. To be honest, Scorpius thought they all could. They finished their dinner around 7:00. As they headed back to the Slytherin dorm, Scorpius saw Rose sitting on a bench, looking very upset. Her friend Azalea comforting her. Rose hid her face behind Azalea's back as Azalea gave a deadly look to Scorpius and his friends. Scorpius wouldn't have been surprised if she would've leaped up and started trying to fight him. Gloria obviously didn't care, Scorpius didn't even know if she had noticed. He kept walking, feeling a twinge of guilt poking at him. 

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