Chapter Six: The First Day

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        Rose sat next to Charlie and Albus during breakfast. They were all pleased to see that 1st period Defense Against the Dark Arts was one of the subjects they had together. They sat together in the front of the room. The teacher had long blonde hair. He was writing something on the board: Professor Malfoy. Rose's jaw dropped. Draco Malfoy? No. This man looked older.

        Scorpius was just as confused as her. He had only met his grandfather once, but he knew it was him. Rose looked over to see Scorpius sitting with Xavier and Gloria. Scorpius met her gaze before Rose quickly looked away. Lucius Malfoy smiled a cold smile that made Rose shiver. He gave off such a creepy vibe. Rose was still wondering why he was teaching at Hogwarts. He had been a Death Eater, had a bad past, and supposedly hated Hogwarts. Someone had the nerve to ask him the questions Rose had been wondering. 

        "A wizard's gotta make money somehow." Replied Lucius. For some reason, that seemed hilarious to Rose, just the way he said it. She stifled a laugh. Lucius heard her and whirled around. Rose quickly put on a straight face. Lucius turned away, thinking he was hearing things. 

        "Anyways, welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts." He said blankly like he had absolute no desire to teach. Rose knew he had no desire to teach, had already stated he was in it for the money, which Rose didn't understand because professors didn't get paid much. The whole class was just reading from a book, which was sort of okay for Rose, but she really wanted to practice spells, too. At the end of class, Lucius said, "Your homework is to read the next chapter." Wow. So exciting.

        Rose's next class was Herbology. Guess who she saw there? Scorpius. 

        "For those of you that don't remember my name, I'm Professor Longbottom, welcome to Herbology." Professor Longbottom seemed to be the opposite of Professor Malfoy. Rose had Herbology with Azalea and Matthew. She hoped she would have at least one class with Alice. Scorpius was with Zacharias and Faith. No sign of Gloria. Rose thought Herbology was interesting. They learned about Mandrakes. After that, it was time for her next class of the day, Muggle Studies. She was very excited to go to Muggle Studies since her grandfather Arthur taught the class. Rose wasn't even surprised when Scorpius was there. Wow, he must really love this class, Rose thought. She was beginning to wonder how many classes exactly did she have with him. She sat next to Alice. Scorpius was sitting with his friend Elise in the back.

        "Welcome to Muggle Studies! In Muggle Studies we learn about all things Muggle! Now, who can tell me, what exactly is a Muggle?" Professor Weasley asked. When only Scorpius and Rose raised their hands, Rose was surprised at how unenthusiastic the students were.

        "Rose?" Her grandfather called on her.

        "A Muggle is a non magical human being." Rose answered confidently. 

        "Correct. Can you name a few Muggle items?" Her grandfather asked.

        "I can show you some!" She reached into her bag and pulled out her video camera and laptop.

        "This is a video camera." She said hitting the record button and panning the camera across the room. "It records things."

        "This is a laptop. It is a mobile computer. I can upload things, save data, search the web, and more." She said. Elise looked extremely bored in the back.

        "Quite fascinating." Arthur said. Then, lunchtime came around. Rose sat with her friends and read some of her book about Mermaids of the Great Lake. She was much more interested in reading than talking to her friends. Typical Rose.

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