Chapter Nine: Detention

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Image: Slytherin Crest

        Scorpius tried to break the awkwardness and started cleaning the Great Hall again. So did Rose. By the time they were finished it was dark outside.

        "Did we seriously clean that long?" Rose thought aloud, tightening her ponytail.

        "I guess so." Replied Scorpius.

        "Well, see you in detention." Rose said and left. Scorpius left soon after, too. To be honest he didn't know what to think of Rose. She seemed okay, but kind of conceited. She acted like she knew everything, which deep down inside made Scorpius a little bit jealous. He sat down at a desk in the common room to write her and his parents a letter. He wrote a letter to his parents first:

Dear Mum and Dad,                                                                                                                         September 5, 2017

        I am sorry to tell you that I've gotten in trouble. (He could imagine his mum saying, "Already?") I started a food fight with Rose Weasley. Please forgive me. I promise I will never do it again.

                                                               Love, Scorpius

                          P.S. Please don't send a Howler.

        Satisfied with the short letter, Scorpius began writing an apology to the mudblood.

Dear Rose Weasley,                                                                                                                            September 5, 2017

        I am sorry about throwing an apple at your head.

                                                                Sincerely, Scorpius Malfoy

         He then sent off the letters and went to bed.

        The next morning was Saturday, which meant detention. McGonagall sent him a note informing him that the detention room was room 2241. He found McGonagall and Rose in the empty classroom. Rose had her nose in a book- not a surprise-her reading glasses hanging off her nose.

        "Rose, in detention, no books or any form of entertainment are allowed." McGonagall said. Rose looked disappointed, but obediently shut her book and handed it to the Headmistress.

        "That means computers and cameras, too." Said McGonagall. Rose handed McGonagall her bag. McGonagall looked Scorpius up and down, as if looking to see if he was hiding anything and left. Scorpius sat in a chair across from Rose who was fidgeting with her clothes. She seemed to be extremely bored without her book.

        "Why do you always use those Muggle things?" Scorpius asked, not knowing what else to say. Rose looked up at him silently. Her face was red and her eyes were watery. For some reason, Scorpius felt guilty and didn't say anything. Finally, Rose answered his question.

        "I believe Muggles are highly advanced in technology. I mean, wizards still use owls to send letters when emails exist. And they use quills and ink when there are pens in the Muggle world." She said. And then she went on and on about why she thought Muggles were smart.

        "It seems you like Muggles. Scorpius said. It was kind of hard to understand her, being a pureblood and all, but she made a good point and was good at debating. It was silent for a while after that. Then Scorpius was so bored that he began looking at pictures he always carried in his pocket. Moving pictures, of course. There was a picture of a hopping bunny that he had called Hopper.

        "What are you looking at?" Rose said. She couldn't help that she was nosy. Scorpius showed her the picture.

        "Aww. He's adorable." Said Rose.

        "He actually died a month ago. A snake got him." Said Scorpius sadly.

        "I'm so sorry." Rose said, her smile fading. Scorpius thought she sounded very sincere which was rare. He liked that. She seemed to understand him. Rose Weasley. Of all people. Great.

        After detention, Scorpius and Rose had to make up the classes they had missed on Friday. After doing so, they went back to their dorms.

        "Hey, Scor. I never got to-" Gloria started.

        "Don't mention it." He said. For some reason he felt guilty about getting along with Rose and then talking to Gloria like ti never happened. He pushed the thought away, realizing it was ridiculous. All of a sudden a girl with black hair so dark it looked blue was shouting at two boys. Scorpius suddenly realized they were Gloria's brothers. The girl was about Scorpius' age, but her loud voice made her sound like McGonagall.

        "If I ever catch you two imbeciles-"

        "Yeah? Whatcha gonna do about it?" One of the boys looked at her meanly. The girl didn't break eye contact.

        "Haha, what a little-"

        Before the boy could could finish his sentence, the girl kicked him in the groin and then in the side. He fell to the ground, turning to the fetal position. Next, she roundhouse kicked the older brother in the legs and he fell on his face. The girl walked out of the room like it was nothing. Gloria and her friends ran over to the boys. Two girls sat on one of the couches, holding each other. They were twins. They had chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. One of the girls (the oldest by six minutes) had a paper in her bag full of signatures from Rose Weasley, Albus, and James Potter. Scorpius guessed these were the girls Karate Master was sticking up for.

        "Ella strikes again." Someone in the crowd said.

        "She's in so much trouble!" Exclaimed another.

        "Wait until her sister finds out!" One said. Scorpius sat by the twins.

        "Please-" They started. They seemed very shaken up.

        "I'm not going to hurt you." Scorpius explained.

        "Oh." Said the older of the two, surprised.

        "What are your names?" Scorpius asked.

        "I'm Olivia. This is Emily." The older one said. She was obviously the one that did the talking. Scorpius looked over at the two boys moaning and groaning on the floor. He didn't feel sorry for them. All of a sudden Helen burst into the room, Ella at her side. Helen gave the boys detention for a month for bullying Olivia and Emily. 

        "What about Ella?" Someone shouted.

        "I'll take care of her." Helen said and left with Ella.

        "Ella. Who knew a Slytherin could be so stupid. Almost as stupid as those twins." Said Gloria. Apparently Ella had heard what Gloria had said and burst through the door.

        "What?!" She exclaimed, bursting through the door. 

        "Let it go, Ella." Helen called.

        "Fine." Replied Ella.  

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