Chapter Ten: The Midnight Ride

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(Picture: Painting of Buckbeak)

        Rose studied on her computer while Azalea and Charlie played Wizard cards.

        "So, how was detention?" Matthew asked.

        "What kind of question is that?" Albus laughed.

        "Fine, I guess." Rose said, keeping her eyes on the computer.

        "Was Scorpius acting like an idiot as usual?" Asked Alice, who was painting her nails.

        "Yeah..." Rose said. Azalea seemed suspicious, so Rose spoke up.

        "Hold on, I have to get my camera." She had to get out of there. She came out a few minutes later, hoping everyone had dropped the subject of detention with Scorpius.

        "Everyone smile!" Rose said, snapping a picture of her friends. Rose looked at the photo. It was pretty good, everyone was smiling, especially Azalea. She was beautiful. Rose knew Azalea would probably grow up to be a supermodel. Before they knew it, it was time for dinner. Just her luck, Rose received a Howler. Her palms began to sweat as the letter burst open shouting: "ROSE MONICA WEASLEY!" Rose flinched and braced for what the Howler would say.

        "How could you?! On your very first week at school?! A food fight?! Your father and I are very disappointed in you!" Shouted her mother. In the background Ron started to say something, but was shushed by Hermione. Rose looked down in shame, feeling the entire Great Hall watching her. She was on the verge of tears.

        "Hey, it's okay." Alice tried her hardest to comfort Rose. Rose could hear some of the Slytherin kids starting to giggle, but suddenly they went silent. Scorpius had gotten a Howler of his own.

        "SCORPIUS HYPERION MALFOY!" Scorpius almost gasped in shock and fear when his father's voice filled the great hall. "How pathetic of you! So childish! Well, you never did get your father's brains. You're just as good as that filthy little mud-" McGonagall quickly destroyed the Howler with the flick of her wand. Howlers were not to torment other children. Scorpius laid his head on the table. No one dared to laugh after what they had just witnessed. Rose and Scorpius faced each other. Rose had tears forming in her eyes which made Scorpius feel as guilty as ever. The things Draco had said...

        The next morning it was Sunday, which meant back to detention. When McGonagall left them, Scorpius immediately turned to Rose.

        "I'm so sorry about yesterday. By the way, I got your letter." Scorpius said.

        "It's okay. I got your letter, too. Quite sarcastic." Rose replied, smiling. Scorpius still seemed upset about the previous night. "Scorpius, it's fine, I promise. I'm sure you're not like your father." He looked sad, still. Rose was desperate and she wanted to do something fun and thrilling, and she knew Scorpius would like her idea. "Do you want to see something amazing?" She asked him.

        "Uh, I guess." Scorpius replied, confused.

        "Okay, tonight, at 11:30, look out your window." She said.

        "Um, okay. Whatever you're doing, it better not get us in detention again." He said. Rose smiled.

        "It might." She said. Scorpius huffed. 

        After the hour had past, the children had to go back to their dorms. Part of their punishment was cleaning the dorm with no help. Yay. Azalea and Alice repeatedly insisted to help Rose clean, but she refused. After a while, she was finished. The Gryffindor common room looked perfect. Rose laid back in her neatly made bed and thought. How the heck was she going to pull off her plan? It was a dumb idea, but Rose was beginning to notice that those were welcomed with open arms at Hogwarts.

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