Chapter Two: Rose

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           Diagon Alley took Rose's breath away. It was a large, beautiful place. She went with her cousins and her brother, Hugo. They were all visiting the shops while their parents ate at a restaurant. Their parents had said to come back to the restaurant when they wanted to buy their wands. It happened to be Rose's birthday and she was excited to turn eleven. In a shop she caught two kids looking at her.

        One was a boy. He had light blonde hair and a sort of puzzled look on his face. The other was a girl that looked like she could be his sister. She was giving Rose a look of disgust and Rose swore she heard the girl say, "Weasley," under her breath and roll her big blue eyes.  Rose ignored her and continued to browse the books in the shop. Her arms grew heavy as she piled on many books for school and a few just for Rose. At one point she had to carry her school supply list in her mouth. Reading and writing were here two favorite things in the world- something her dad said she got from her mother. Rose looked a lot like her dad: freckles, ginger hair. But she acted like her mum: bookish. She had developed a bit of an eye problem over the past two years and had to wear glasses, but usually only when reading or writing. She checked the time on the brand new watch she had gotten from her Uncle Harry. Time to go back to meet mum and dad.

        "James, Albus, Lily, Hugo! Time to go!" Rose called to her cousins, who were outside the store. Rose couldn't see, books piled in front of her face. She turned to the side so she could see them better. James was the oldest. He was twelve years old, going in to his second year of Hogwarts. He was tall, and had messy black hair. He had green eyes just like his father. The second oldest was Rose. Then it was Albus, who was only one month younger than Rose. He looked a lot like his brother, except shorter, with blue eyes, and milk chocolate colored hair. Next was Hugo, Rose's little brother. He looked like Rose's twin, even almost as tall as her, though he was only nine at the time. He was tall, and had curly ginger hair, with bluish green eyes. The youngest in the bunch was Lily, who was three months younger than Hugo. She had shoulder length strawberry blonde hair and pale green eyes. 

        "Okay, mum." Hugo said sarcastically. He never took anything seriously.

        They walked back to the restaurant together, James helping Rose with her books. They found their parents and more family at a very long table with a few presents on top.

        "Woah. That's one long table." Lily said as the children sat down. A wide variety of their large family was there at the long table. Rose's  grandparents, Aunt Fleur and Uncle Bill with their kids, Uncle George and Aunt Angelina with their kids, Uncle Percy and Aunt Audrey with their kids. There were also a few family friends: Fleur's daughter Victories' boyfriend, Luna Lovegood and her family, and Neville Longbottom with his family. So many people! They basically filled up the whole restaurant. Rose decided this was her favorite birthday. Everyone sang, "Happy Birthday." Molly and Audrey baked a delicious birthday cake that tasted as good as it looked. And then the presents came. There were a lot of them, too.

        Rose got a few galleons, books, notebooks, quills, and ink. She got a new case for her glasses and then came her favorite present- a Muggle video camera from her parents. Rose had been very interested in film and photography since she first met Luna, who traveled everywhere and took many photographs. Rose wanted to travel the world and take photos, just like Luna. She also wanted to have a video diary. Soon, everyone scattered out around Diagon Alley and the first place Rose wanted to go was the pet shop.

        "You're not taking as many photos as I thought you would." Her mother, Hermione said to her as they walked to the pet shop. Hermione was quite beautiful, with pretty light brown hair.

        "I don't want to waste my storage." Rose replied.

        "I'll let you have my computer so you can upload them and have space. I need a new laptop, anyway." Hermione said.

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