Chapter Three: The Hogwarts Express

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        As he ate his lunch with Gloria, Scorpius wondered about that girl he saw in the shops of Diagon Alley. Gloria told him all of these stories of the girl's parents and his father. Gloria seemed to dislike her. She was twirling her wand in her hand. It was a beautiful wand. Flowers were etched in the shiny wood. Scorpius was very excited, but nervous about the first day of Hogwarts which was the next day. He had his wand- with a phoenix feather core and his new barn owl named Erik. 

        "You can sit with me on the Hogwarts Express. I can't wait for you to meet my friends." Gloria told him. Scorpius took another bite of his sandwich and nodded, still a little bit nervous. Soon, his mom was calling him back.

        "Scorpius!" She called, standing on the large porch of his grandmother's mansion.

        "Gotta go, bye Gloria!" He called out to her as he left her house. He waved to her and she waved back.

        "Bye!" She yelled back.

        When he got back inside, he started his normal routine of reading and sketching. But, he couldn't focus as his mind kept wandering back to the girl in Diagon Alley. She had lots of freckles, bluish greenish eyes, and thick ginger hair that was pulled back in a ponytail. Scorpius wondered if his mother had ever known her parents. Curiosity got the better of him.

        "Mum, did you ever meet Harry Potter or any of his friends?" He asked.

        "Excuse me?" She asked, but Scorpius knew she had heard him.

        "I saw them yesterday with their children." Added Scorpius.

        "Oh, the Potters, the Weasleys, ha! What a bunch of filthy mudbloods!" Aaron interrupted their conversation. Astoria said nothing, but she was obviously annoyed. In fact, she seemed annoyed every time Aaron said something. Aaron didn't care and kept talking.

        "I told Conner to stay away from that putrid James his first year." Aaron said. Scorpius looked at the ground. Him and Astoria didn't know what to say.

        "Aaron, be quiet." Astoria said when Aaron tried to keep talking. Astoria was mad that Aaron was saying such ignorant and mean things in front of her son. This was why she kept Scorpius away from Draco most of the time.

        "Oh, so you don't agree with me? What would Draco say?" Aaron couldn't keep his fat mouth shut even for a second. Astoria left the room without a word, upset about the mention of Draco. Scorpius then continued to read. Before he knew it, it was already time to eat dinner. Dinner was good- chicken noodle soup (which Benny made a total mess of). After dinner, Scorpius escaped the noise and went out on the front porch. 

        "Hey, Scor." Astoria sat down next to him. 

        "Hey. Sorry about earlier." He said.

        "Don't worry about it." She said, looking at the setting sun.

        "All I want you to know is to choose your friends wisely. I'm sure you will." She added. Scorpius thought about her words carefully. That night he went to bed, butterflies in his stomach. He woke up to his mother's face.

        "Scor, Scor. Wake up, dear. It's time to go to King's Cross. Gather your things." She said.

        "Yes, mum." He obeyed his mother and packed his things. He was looking forward to meeting Gloria's friends. Once Conner and Scorpius got everything situated,  they headed to King's Cross train station.

        "I wanna go to Hogwarts!" Benny whined, stomping his foot and crossing his arms.

        "You'll go in a few years, Benny." Said Astoria. Scorpius was glad that Benny wouldn't be at Hogwarts for another four years.

        "That's too long!" He yelled and cried as Scorpius, Astoria, and Conner got into the car. Astoria took them to the train station. It was entertaining for Scorpius to see Conner struggling to put on his seat belt.

        "Why do Muggles have to be so complicated?" He said under his breath. When they arrived at 9 3/4, Conner went through the wall to the other side where the Hogwarts Express was easily. Scorpius was a little worried, but he ran towards the wall, which seemed so unnatural. He went through like the wall was air. So did Astoria. Scorpius gazed at the Hogwarts Express and so did Astoria. Conner had already boarded. 

        "I haven't been here since I was seventeen." Said Astoria. "Well, good luck, dear. I love you. Are you too old for a kiss on the cheek from your mother?"

        Scorpius smiled. His mother took that as a no and kissed him goodbye. He boarded the train, waving goodbye to his mother. Soon, she was out of his sight. Scorpius was looking for a compartment to sit in, but they all seemed filled up. Scorpius saw Conner in a seat and hurried past him. Thankfully, he saw Gloria sitting with two other girls and two boys. When Gloria saw Scorpius, she waved excitedly. He entered the compartment and sat next to one of the boys. 

        "This is Scorpius." Gloria said. "And that's Zacharias." Gloria pointed to the boy sitting next to Scorpius. He had short black hair and brown eyes. He and the boy next to him looked like brothers. "That's Xavier. And no, they're not brothers." Said Gloria. "This is Elise." Elise had long, curly brown hair and piercing green eyes. "Faith." She had a necklace of the Eiffel Tower around her neck, short, black hair and bangs, and brown eyes. Everyone said hello. Except for Faith. She said bonjour quietly. The kids talked and Elise bought everyone some candy. Scorpius started reading about his favorite animal- Hippogriffs. 

        "You like Hippogriffs?"Zacharias asked Scorpius.

        "Yes." He replied. All of the kids except for Faith and Scorpius began laughing.

        "Don't you know that story about your dad-"

         "Wait, his dad is Draco Malfoy?" Xavier asked. 

        "Yes." Replied Gloria.

        "Woah." Xavier, Elise, and Zacharias said at the same time.

        "Anyways, haven't you heard the story of your dad and the Hippogriff Buckbeak?" Gloria asked. 

        "My dad doesn't talk to me that much." Scorpius replied and kept on reading.



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