Chapter Sixteen: The Start of Summer

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This picture basically sums up how Rose will spend her summer.

        Rose and her family went over to her Uncle Harry's house.

        "Hugo! Rose!" Lily hugged them. Victorie and Teddy appeared. Victorie had on a dirty apron on with her hair in a braid. Teddy's hair was bright red at the moment.

        "Victorie! Why are you two here?" Hugo asked.

        "I'm using some of Aunt Ginny's potion supplies. Since I've graduated Hogwarts, I've been working on my career of magic cosmetology. I'm working on a makeup potion and Teddy is helping me." Explained Victorie.

        "Magic cosmetology? Interesting..." Rose said.

        "I can't believe you graduated! I'm proud of you." Hermione smiled warmly.

        "I'm having a party sometime this summer. I'll shoot you an invitation." Victorie smiled back. Hugo played with Lily, Albus, and James while Rose helped Victorie and Teddy. Rose took some pictures of them and in each one Teddy's hair was a different colour. In one picture he even had bunny ears. That night they had dinner. All of the girls went outside on the porch while the boys stayed inside. Ginny and Hermione talked to Victorie while Lily and Rose drew on the front steps.

       "I've noticed you've been becoming really close to Teddy. It seems like everywhere you go- BAM- he's there, too." Said Ginny to Victorie. Rose and Lily smirked at each other.

        "Yeah..." Victorie blushed.

        "Are you going to get married?" Asked Lily jokingly. Victorie laughed.

        "I'm only seventeen and I've just graduated! Maybe one day..." Victorie said smiling.

        "Ooooooh!" Exclaimed Lily and Rose.

        "I mean, she would look pretty in a wedding dress." Teddy was at the door. His hair was now light orange.

        "Teddy!" Victorie yelled.

        Later that night Rose went home. Rose changed into some comfortable clothes and sat on her bed. She was on her laptop with Annalise curled up at the foot of her bed. Rose never realized how much she missed her old bedroom. Suddenly, Hugo appeared at her door. He was smirking for some reason.

        "Hugo... What did you do?" Rose asked slowly. He didn't answer her question.

        What are you looking at? Pictures of Scorpius Malfoy?" Hugo asked, still smirking. Rose closed her laptop and climbed out of her bed

        "Hugo, what are you talking about?" Asked Rose, smiling nervously.

        "I'm not a fool, Rosie." Hugo said.

        "Don't call me Rosie." She snapped.

        "I'm sure you let Malfoy call you Rosie." Hugo teased. Rose gave him a look.

        "I saw the way you looked at him at the train station. And whenever someone mentions him you act weird." Said Hugo. Hugo had found her out. He would be the first of many over the next years to come.

        "Hugo, you can't tell mum or dad! If they knew I was friends with a Malfoy..." Rose sat back down on her bed.

        "Hmm...", he smiled, "I don't know..."

        "Please, Hugo!" She pleaded.

        "Yeah, okay." He said sarcastically.

        "Don't blackmail me." Rose said, her eyes widening.

        "Maybe." He walked out of her room.

        "He is so going to blackmail me." Rose whispered to herself. But deep down she knew Hugo wasn't the type to do that. Sure, he was annoying sometimes, but he never tried to put her in trouble. "Am I really that bad at keeping a secret?" She petted Annalise and went on her laptop to look up Quidditch brooms. She was thinking of trying out. Little did she know Scorpius was, too.

                                                            End of Book One

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