Chapter Fifteen: The End of the Year

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The picture is how I imagine Annalise.

        End of the year exams came and went. Scorpius felt pretty good about the exams. He studied with Rose a lot. He was sure Rose got every single question right. She was definitely one smart cookie. Soon the time came for the annual End of the Year Party. Or parties, really. There was one small party for each house, and then a big party for all of the first years and sometimes the whole school. First came the small party. It was pretty fun, Scorpius just stood by the food table and ate the whole time. So for him, it was great. The next day, it was time for the bigger celebration. While Gloria talked to her friends, Scorpius sneaked off to the food table to see Rose. She was sitting down and typing on her laptop. Not really a surprise.

        "Ugh. I can barely concentrate!" She yelled over the loud music. Scorpius grabbed a cookie and sat down next to her. He talked to her (rather loudly thanks to the noise) for a bit and then gave her the picture of Annalise he'd finished drawing.

        "Aww! It looks just like her! Thank you!" Rose exclaimed.

        A few days later, it was time to leave. Scorpius was sad to leave his friends, but excited to see his mother and have time off of school. Scorpius sat on the train with his friends. Gloria sat next to him, her shiny, light blonde hair behind her ear. She was wearing pearl earrings and a green and silver Slytherin shirt with her Hogwarts cloak pulled over it. Before they knew it, they were at Kings Cross.

        "Bye!" Scorpius said his goodbyes and hugged his friends. Gloria waved a cute little wave and gave her signature smile. Then she disappeared from sight. In the distance, Scorpius saw Rose. She saw him, too. She gave him a small smile before her little brother pulled her away. Her brother caught a glimpse of Scorpius before he walked away. Scorpius found his mother in the sea of people. Astoria hugged him and he hugged her back.

        "Oh honey! Look at how much you've grown! I've missed you so much my dear." She smiled. She looked like she hadn't had much sleep. Her eyes were watery and she kept sniffling. 

        "Mum, is everything alright?" Scorpius asked.

        "Let's take a walk." She replied. Scorpius was beginning to feel worried.

        "I just want you to know that your father and my choices are not because of you." Said Astoria. Scorpius had an idea about where this conversation was going. It didn't really shock him as it was sort of obvious.

        "Are you and dad getting a divorce?" Scorpius asked the dreadful question. He already knew the answer before it came floating out of his mother's lips.

        "Yes." She said simply, putting her arm around Scorpius. Draco and Astoria had already been separated, but now they were officially divorced which did not surprise Scorpius whatsoever.

        "It's okay." Scorpius hugged his mother. She was obviously very distraught about the whole thing. Scorpius didn't even ask her about who had custody of him, since he had always stayed with his mother.

        "Do you want to see Grandma? Aaron won't be there." Said Astoria, trying hard to look and feel happy for her only son.

        "I'd thought you'd never ask." Scorpius smiled, hoping it would cheer her up.  

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