Chapter Thirteen: Ice Skating with Gloria

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(Picture: Flowers blooming in the Spring)

        Scorpius spent Christmas at his house. It was snowing outside and the lake behind his house was frozen. Perfect for ice skating. Scorpius loved to ice skate. He had a wonderful Christmas, getting a new coat and a sketchbook. He ate lots of chocolate and other candy. He spent the entire day relaxing and ice skating. A perfect day in Scorpius' mind. Later he went to his grandmother's house. Scorpius went outside to see Gloria. She was building a snowman of some sort. She had a purple beanie on, her light blonde hair streaming down her light blue vest. It was the first time Scorpius had seen her in other colors besides green, silver, white, and black.

       "Hey Gloria." Scorpius waved, walking over to her.

        "Oh, hi, Scorpius." Gloria replied, smiling at him.

        "Merry Christmas." Said Scorpius.

       "Merry Christmas." She said back. She hugged him, and Scorpius enjoyed it for a split second before he felt something cold and icy trickling down his back. He suddenly realized Gloria had put a snowball down the back of his shirt. She burst out laughing.

       "Two can play at this game!" Scorpius hurriedly built a weak snowball and threw at it Gloria, but it broke apart in mid air.

       "Epic fail!" Gloria almost fell over laughing.

        "Wanna get some hot chocolate?" She was still laughing when she asked him.

        "Sure." Replied Scorpius. He walked behind Gloria, and just at the right moment, hit her back with a snowball.

        "Hey!" Shouted Gloria.

        Scorpius walked inside her house and soothing warm air hit him.

        "Oh Scorpius! How are you?" Gloria's mother greeted him.

        "I'm fine, how are you?" Replied Scorpius.

         "I'm doing well, thanks for asking." She replied smiling sweetly. Scorpius hung his coat on the coat rack and sat down at Gloria's dining table.

        "Where are your brothers?" Scorpius asked Gloria as she sat down across from him.

        "They're with my dad." Replied Gloria.

        "Oh." Scorpius said. Gloria's mother set down two mugs of hot chocolate on the table.

        "Be careful, it's hot." She warned and walked off.

        "So, how has your break been?" Gloria asked Scorpius.

        "Excellent. I've been having fun with my mum and ice skating 24/7." Scorpius replied.

        "Oh I love ice skating! I have a little pond in the back we could skate on if you'd like." Offered Gloria.

         "Sure!" Replied Scorpius. He ran to his grandma's, grabbed his skates, and ran back. They ice skated to the sound of wizard Christmas music. Gloria was an excellent skater, with graceful moves and obvious talent. Soon, it was dark outside.

          "Well, I better get going." Scorpius said.

        "I had fun! I'll see you back at school." Gloria said.

         A few days past, and it was time to go back to school. Scorpius rode on the train with his friends back to Hogwarts. They talked about what they did over break and what they got for Christmas. Scorpius was glad to be back with his friends. He showed them his new sketchbook, which Faith seemed quite interested in. Soon, they arrived at Hogwarts.

         As always at Hogwarts, the months flew by. Before you could say 'Chocolate Frogs' it was spring time and flowers were blooming all around. The ice on the Great Lake had melted completely. School was going pretty well for Scorpius and he became interested in Quidditch. He would watch the older kids practice often. Once he sat in the stands when Gloria sat down next to him. Scorpius was drawing in his sketchbook.

         "Hey Scor." Gloria said.

         "Hi Gloria." He said, continuing to draw.

         "What are you drawing?" She asked.

        "A Hippogriff." Scorpius replied. He was thinking about Buckbeak.

       "I wouldn't show that to your dad if I were you. It might bring back bad memories." Gloria advised, making Scorpius laugh.

        "You bet." He replied.

       "I can't believe school is almost over." Said Gloria.

        "I know." Replied Scorpius.

        "Faith, Zac, Xavier, Elise, and I will miss you over the summer." She said.

        "We will have to keep in touch. Mail me a letter sometime." Replied Scorpius.

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