Chapter Fourteen: Rose in the Quidditch Stands

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        Rose was happy to be back at school with her friends. Sometimes she would stroll the grounds with her friends, but today she walked alone. She hadn't talked to Scorpius in a while and wasn't sure why. She spotted him in the Quidditch stands, drawing something as usual.

        "Hi Scorpius." She walked up the stands and sat down next to him. He was drawing a picture of an owl.

        "Nice drawing." Rose said and went on her laptop. She was looking at pictures of her cat. Scorpius looked up from his sketchbook.

        "That's your cat?" He asked her.

        "Yes. Her name is Annalise." Rose replied. Scorpius turned a page in his sketchbook and began to draw something Rose guessed was Annalise.

        "Wow. You're an excellent artist." Rose said.

        "Thanks. You have a pretty cat." Scorpius replied, not looking up.

        "I got her on my birthday." Rose said.

        "When's your birthday?" Asked Scorpius.

        "August 31st." Rose replied.

        "The day before the first day of school." Scorpius acknowledged. Rose nodded.

        "Sucks to be you." Said Scorpius. Rose just laughed and shook her head. Rose had her hair in a ponytail. She had on a long sleeved baby blue shirt, her reading glasses on her nose, sliding off. She was so involved in the essay she was writing on her computer that she didn't notice they were slowly falling off. Scorpius couldn't help but reach over and slide them back in to place.

        "Sorry. It was just driving me nuts." He said smiling. Rose gave a short laugh and continued working. After a while she looked up and watched the kids play Quidditch. 

        "Are you interested in Quidditch? Rose asked Scorpius. He nodded in reply.

        "That's cool. My Aunt Ginny used to be a professional player. She's a journalist now." Rose said. All of a sudden the Giant Squid that lived in the Great Lake flipped one of his tentacles out of the water.

        "What's his problem?" Scorpius asked.

        "Hold on- I speak Giant Squid! He wants to eat us all for breakfast!" Said Rose.

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