Chapter Eleven: Gloria's Suspicion

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Gif: Hogwarts Great Hall on Halloween

        Before Scorpius knew it, it was October. Everyday in his free period, he went to the library to meet Rose.

        "Scor, wanna go to the lake?" Asked Gloria one chilly day.

        "Um, I can't. I have to go the the library to study." He replied quickly. It was somewhat true.

        "Yeah, okay." Gloria mumbled. She knew he wasn't telling her something. When Gloria didn't know about something, she went almost insane. She needed to know what was going on. She found out her information the way any sly Slytherin would. By spying. Gloria saw him sit down at a table next to Rose Weasley. What in the name of Merlin's Beard? Gloria abandoned her idea of spying and went up to Scorpius.

        "Hello." She said.

         "Oh, Gloria! What are you doing here?" Scorpius laughed nervously. Gloria ignored his question.

        "Why are you with her?" Gloria was a bit shocked.

        "Oh, um-"

        "Seriously? Ditching me for Rosie Weasley?" Gloria cut him off.

        "It's Rose," Rose couldn't help but correct her. "And Scorpius and I are doing a project for Herbology." Rose explained. It was the truth. Gloria raised an eyebrow at Scorpius, questioning whether Rose was telling the truth. After all, according to Gloria, you can never trust a mudblood. Scorpius read her mind.

        "Longbottom paired us together. Don't ask me why." Scorpius said.

        "Okay." Gloria simply said. She wanted to believe Scorpius, and she did.

        "I'll hang out with you and everyone tomorrow. I promise." Scorpius gave her a charming smile. Gloria couldn't help but smile back. She glared at Rose one last time and then left

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