Chapter Five: The Slytherin Dorm

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        All of his friends were happy they had all gotten in the same house.

        "My mother will be so proud!" Gloria exclaimed happily.

        "Alright, students. It's time for dinner." Headmistress McGonagall said, and with the wave of her hand, food appeared on the table. There was so much food it was overwhelming. Scorpius shoved as much food in his mouth as possible, unfortunately all at the same time.

        "Boys." Elise said and rolled her eyes. Her and Gloria seemed to be doing more talking than eating. Only fifteen minutes later and Scorpius was completely full. He had never eaten like that ever before. How in the world did Hogwarts students stay skinny?

        "Students, the Prefects will show you the way to your dorm. Please take note of the rules posted in your dorms. Schedules will be handed out during breakfast tomorrow. Your luggage has been moved to your dorms so make sure you organize it." Headmistress McGonagall said with a smile. She looked over to Albus and James Potter and huffed. What work. 

        "Alright everyone please stand up and follow me. Pick a buddy and keep them close so no one gets lost. Don't wander off." Said a tall girl with a nice voice and a black pixie cut. Gloria patted his shoulder.

        "Buddy?" She asked. Scorpius nodded in reply. They made their way downstairs to the Slytherin dorm. It was in the dungeon which Scorpius thought was cool but creepy. 

        "What's the password?" Asked a portrait of the Bloody Baron. 

        "Slytherin is the best house." Answered the Slytherin prefect confidently. Scorpius learned her name was Helen and she had a younger sister named Ella.

        "Correct!" The Bloody Baron said proudly and swung open the door to reveal the common room of the Slytherin dorm. It was majestic and everything was green and silver with an exception of a few whites and blacks here and there. 

       "Here are the rules" Helen pointed to a piece of parchment and read the rules aloud:


         1. No sneaking out past curfew

        2. Always Sleep in your designated area

        3. No fighting

        4. No spells past curfew

        5. Always respect each other

        Please note that any students caught breaking any of these rules will receive detention or expulsion depending on the case. Also note that every Sunday students have a cleaning day where they do the laundry, clean up the dorm, etc. Headmistress McGonagall is not your maid.

        Everyone groaned. Scorpius guessed they had just read the part about cleaning every Sunday.

        "The boys' dorm is that way." Helen pointed to the left.

        "And the girls' dorm is this way." She pointed to the right.

        "Curfew for first years is 9:00 pm. Breakfast is at 7:15. Class starts around 8:00 and ends at 4:00. Dinner is at 6:30." Helen said.

        "Goodnight and make sure you organize your things." Helen swiftly walked away.

        "Wait, where are you going? It's almost 9:00." Scorpius asked.

        "I'm not really a Prefect. I'm Head Girl. I have to go to my tower." Helen said. Many 'Oohs' came around the room. Gloria told him she was the first girl from Slytherin to become Head Girl in fifteen years. After that, Scorpius spotted his owl in the back with his suitcase. He heaved everything up to the boys' dormitory like a Muggle would do. He said goodnight to Elise, Faith, and Gloria and picked a bed next to a window which was barely a few feet up from the ground. He then said goodnight to Xavier who was in the bed across from him and to Zac who was in front of him. That night he fell asleep without a weird dream or nightmare, to his relief. He woke up around 6:30. He got ready and put on his school robe, his wand sticking out of his pocket. He went to breakfast a little early with his new found friends. As they ate, Helen passed out schedules. Scorpius was elated to see that he had Defense Against the Dark Arts for 1st period. He saw that Gloria and Xavier were going there next, too. After their delicious and extremely satisfying breakfast, they headed to class.

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