Chapter Twelve: Winter Break at the Burrow

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(Picture: Harry Potter family tree)

        November came and went and soon it was December. Everyone was in the Christmas mood. A beautiful Christmas tree was set up in the Great Hall.

        "So, are you going home for Winter Break?" Scorpius whispered to Rose as they sat in the library studying.

        "Yes. What about you?" Rose whispered back.

        "I'm going also." Scorpius replied. Rose saw Azalea and Charlie coming into the library. She hurried away from Scorpius and greeted them quietly. Still, the librarian heard her.

        "Shh!" The librarian put a finger to her lips.

        "Let's go outside." Azalea suggested. Charlie and Rose agreed. Rose told Scorpius goodbye with her eyes and then left the library. Rose hurriedly pulled on her furry mittens and matching red hat as her snow boots crunched down on the fresh snow.

        "It's a winter wonderland out here." Azalea whispered in awe. It was, too. Hogwarts looked breath taking. Kids were ice skating on the frozen Great Lake. Some were making snowmen. Rose peered into a window and saw a couple kissing under the mistletoe. Rose shuddered. The mistletoe at Hogwarts was dangerous. You were trapped until you kissed the person.

        "My fingers are turning red." Azalea said. She didn't have any gloves with her.

        "Here I have some gloves you can use." Charlie pulled out an extra pair of gloves. Rose didn't know how, but this escalated into a full on snowball fight.

        "I'm out of here!" Rose said, running away. She was not in the mood for getting hit in the face with a snowball. She saw her friends, Luna Lovegood's children, Lorcan and Lysander hanging out with another pair of twins. Rose realized one of the twins was the girl who had asked for her autograph. Rose sat under a tree next to the Great Lake and looked at photos and videos. She could only do it for a little while though, before she was freezing. 

        Later that night, it was time for Rose to pack her things and leave for break. She said goodbye to her friends and left on the train. She fell asleep, until it was time to get off. She gathered her things. She exited the train and spotted her grandmother, Molly.

       "Grandma!" Rose ran up to her and hugged her.

        "Hey Rose!" Her brother called.

        "Hugo, I missed you." She said as she hugged him, something she never thought she'd say.

        "Rose, you and that whole food fight was really cool-" Her dad started to say when her mother suddenly punched his arm.

        "Ronald, Don't encourage her!" She said. Then Hermione turned to Rose.

        "About the food fight- I'm disappointed in you. But we'll talk about it later." Hermione said quietly. Hermione still hugged Rose and told her she loved her.

        "Let's go back to the Burrow and start our wonderful Christmas celebration!" Exclaimed Grandma Molly.

                                                                                           At the Burrow

        Things at the Burrow were lively as usual. When Rose first arrived it wasn't a full house. But that would change. At the moment it was just Hugo, Rose, Hermione, Ron, Molly, and Arthur who had come on the train with Rose. Everyone else was coming on Christmas Eve. Right now Grandma Molly was in a cleaning, decorating, and cooking frenzy

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