[Chapter 4]

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Disclaimer: DO Not own any of the Harry Potter Characters, except my own.


[Chapter 4]

            The figure in the window watched with a small smile, the rushing figure of Clary Riddle stormed off into the streets of London before she completely disappeared from sight. The three hopeless boys running after her and then arguing once her figure seemed to disappear, they walked off from the apartment figures and soon, their figures, too disappeared. Andrew let out a breath of smoky air as he looked down at the figures, he sighed as he ran his hand through his short black hair. He turned away from the window and looked around his dark apartment as he walked over to a piece of glass lying on the surface of a small coffee table.

Andrew reached down and picked up the jagged piece of glass, making sure to not cut himself as he placed the piece of glass in front of his face. His dark blue eyes shown through in the glass as they flashed grey and then a bright yellow was staring back at him, a dark hooded figure stared back at him through the glass with bright yellow eyes and a sneer. “Have you located the girl?”

Andrew sighed as he sat down on the couch, placing his hand to his head, “Yes… She’s where you said she would be. Her family is here including him.”

The figure in the glass grinned, showing pearly white teeth, “Good, that just means more blood will be spilled and fewer distractions will be in the way.”

Andrew nodded hesitantly as he looked down at the picture frame sitting upon his coffee table, the only picture he had of the girl he loved. “Must we really go through with this, Eric? Why do I have to be here? You seem to know everything about where she is and how you are planning to go about killing her.”

“Oh, are you getting too attached to her Andrew? Because you do realize what I am capable of, I will make you wish you were dead.” The man with the nefarious eyes—known as Eric—said to Andrew with a sneer as Andrew flinched of the thought of that one particular night.

“Yes I know. I apologize; I shouldn’t have said such things. I will lead the girl on and then, I will lure her out, just like you said.” Andrew replied as he leaned down on the couch, contemplating to himself, what he should really do.

“If you want her to live, you have to give her to me.” Eric said with a haunting voice, “Have you contacted Lucius or the rest of those bloody beings called Death Eaters?”

Andrew sighed as he looked down at the piece of parchment, marked with all the names of the soon-to-be followers of The Man with the Nefarious Eyes. “No, I’ve tried contacting Lucius, but it seems to be as if he’s avoiding me.”

The man on the opposite side of the glass seemed to laugh—if that’s what you could call it, it sounded more like a screeching piece of metal. “Well then, it looks like we may have a runaway rat. Seems like I will personally have to make an appearance to Lucius and ask our old friend to meet with me.”

“Where are you now Eric?” Andrew asked as he stared at those yellow eyes that would always have control over his life, no matter what he could do.

“If I told you that Andrew, you may let it slip to our precious friend.” The voice replied with a sickly sweet tone, “All that you should know is that I’m recruiting, recruiting for July thirty-first and recruiting for the Third Wizarding War and the Last, because unlike Voldemort, I will not fail.”

Andrew shifted uneasily in his seat as he inhaled another intake of nicotine and then blew out the precious smoke that could never be able to kill him. “What should I do if her friends, like the Lupin, Malfoy and Potter boy would get in the way?”

“Do with them as you please, one way or another, they will be destroyed.”

Andrew nodded his head lazily as he looked down at the picture, he would be doing this for her, because he loved her. “Will I really be able to be with her?”

“If you do as I say Andrew, you will. Just remember, lure Clary in, become her friend, have her trust you and then in just a few weeks I will come and take her and destroy everything that is precious to her. Then, only then, will you have her. So if you even think of doing something different, I will not only torture you to the point you wish you could end your life, but I will keep you alive and have you watch me slaughter the one you truly love, over and over again.” Andrew clenched his jaw as the voice lulled into his ears, he knew every word of it was true and he knew that he would make it real. Andrew clenched his fist and looked out of the window, blowing another breathe of smoke out.

“Then, I suppose I will have no choice.”

“Good boy, now remember, I’ll contact you the day before I plan on coming. So get to know her and get as much information out of her as possible. I want to know every little prick and pain she is going through at this point.” Eric Abernathy smiled into the mirror; he could already picture the precious terror Clary would be making when he would appear in front of her with her mother’s head in his hands.

“Yes, my Lord.” Andrew replied monotonously, what choice did he have?

“Good, and you never know, maybe one day you’ll be able to go back to your regular self.” Eric laughed maniacally as his image disappeared from the mirror and soon an eerie silence filled the room where Andrew was sitting. Andrew immediately thrust the mirror across the room as he watched it hit the wall on the other side and crash land to the floor. Just as soon as it crashed into a million of pieces, it quickly reformed back to itself. Andrew let out another breathe of air as he stared outside the window.

“I’m sorry,” Andrew murmured to himself as he placed his hand to his face, hiding his tears from the rest of the world as he soon started to writhe in pain from the transformation.


Yes, this is a very short chapter, and I apologize for that. But it's actually much longer, but i wouldnt have been able to finish the chapter by tonight if I kept going. So I had to stop it at one point and i thought this would be a good point and upload the rest seperately either tomorrow or wednesday. This chapter gives you a more indepth look in Andrew and who may really be. (:

Upload: Tuesday or Wednesday

Song of the Day: Rain by Breaking Benjamin


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