[chapter 11]

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters except my own!

[Chapter 11]

            “You are planning what?!” I heard Mr. Potter—aka Harry Potter, Jame’s father—yell at the top of his lungs from the other room as I sat nervously in James’ room before him and his father were soon coming inside, his dad beat red with rage. I groaned inwardly, I knew this was a bad idea coming here, I said to myself as I ran my fingers through my sandy hair.

Then again, I don’t think I had much of a choice…

Earlier that day;

“Why do I need to come?” I asked with a small frown as I looked up at James Potter’s lazy expression, he had just asked me to  come with him to Godric Hallows to his parents house in order to confront his father and talk to him about the thing Clary had assigned him to. Apparently, Clary wanted James’ father to know, the only parent that would be allowed to know our plan before we set it to action. I agreed with her that we should have at least one adult know what crazy thing we planned on doing before it took place, plus Harry needed to be the one to watch out in the ministry incase Clary’s trace was ever going to be activated.

“Because, I need someone innocent and pretty to be there so my father doesn’t end up killing me, just yet.” James responded with a coy smile as I felt the blush tint my cheeks slightly. I felt my weight shift from one foot to the next, I hated that James was the only boy I felt uncomfortable with, and then again that always happened when I liked a guy. I sighed, that’s right I like James Potter, the chosen one’s eldest son. “Well, will you be a bloody good mate and go with me?”

I looked up to see Jame’s brown eyes staring down at me with an anxiety of my reply as he smirked down at me, I sighed, it was given that I was going to give. “Fine…”

James’ leapt in the air with a grin, “Oh thank you Kenzie! It’ll be splendid! I won’t die, you get to see the Potter household and you can explain the plan to my dad.”

My eyes widened immediately as I grabbed a hold of James’ arm, preventing him from going any further. He turned around and arched an eyebrow at me as I felt my cheeks tint again, “Umm… right, well you should know I’m not telling your dad the plan. You have to do that yourself… Potter.” I replied with a smile as James’ frown.

“Awe… Come on McKenzie, you’re such a natural when talking to people and convincing them to do mental things. Plus do you really want this handsome face—” James pointed to his face with a grin, “to be pulverized into nothing?”

My eye twitched slightly, “you know, I’m considering a lot more as the time goes by that it wouldn’t be so bad.”

James put his hand to his heart in mock hurt, “That really stung Kenzie, and it was like a blade penetrating my heart.”

I rolled my eyes and smiled, “I’ll come with you, but you’re telling your dad.”

James sighed, “Fine, either way I win.” James replied with a smirk.

I arched my eyebrow up at him curiously, “How so?”

“You’ll be there won’t you?” James replied, he wasn’t asking more like giving me a statement as I felt the tint on my cheeks once more, realizing the hidden message in between his words. I could only nod my head; afraid a mixture of human language and alien conjure itself into some unknown dialogue if I even opened my mouth. James smiled down at me, “well then you know why, now let’s go and face the music before I die of lack of sleep.” James replied before clasping his hand around mine.

Back to Present

And that is how I got into this mess, of sitting on James’ bed whilst his father and him entered the room in a fit of rage. I sighed; James really wasn’t all that lazy if he could trick me in such a way to come here.

“McKenzie?” I heard Mr. Potter’s voice as his attention immediately flew towards my somewhat stiff figure sitting awkwardly on the bed. I gave him a small smile, immediately realizing how stupid that looked. “What are you doing here? I’m sure your mum would not be happy to know if you were here.”

I sighed; a lot of people knew that my mum was a bit upset over the fact that I’ve gotten myself into a lot of danger recently since I’ve made friends with the Potters and Weasleys. She can be a tad bit overprotective, but I understood her reasoning. “Well, umm she doesn’t really know I’m here, honestly I don’t even know why I’m here myself.” I replied helplessly as I shot James a glare whilst he just grinned back.

“James,” Mr. Potter threatened as he looked over at his son, “Does she know?”

James grinned, “Oh yes, she’s part of the plan as well! We all are and now I must ask you to be too, except you can’t tell mum. Only after we’ve left can you start telling.”

I never knew Mr. Potter could get upset, usually he had a calm exterior about himself and just had his wife do the yelling, but now he looked angrier then ever. The scar on his forehead looked as if it was about to burst out. “James, do you really think I will go through with his sort of thing and not tell your mum or Clary’s parents? Why would you possibly think I’d let you go through with this?”

James stared up at his father and I glanced from father to son uneasily. I admired somewhat on how similar the two acted at times and how they looked somewhat alike. Although James had a bit more of his mum in him and more of his father’s personality, at least that’s what I thought. “Because dad, you did it once.” James shot back as he flopped down on his bed. I looked up to see Mr. Potter’s eyes soften slightly before he groaned and ran his hand through his already messy hair.

“James that doesn’t mean—“

“We need your help Mr. Potter!” I exclaimed as I stood up, feeling my cheeks heat up once I realized how idiotic I probably looked. “I know you probably don’t agree with our way of dealing with this, but it’s something we have to do. We have to be there for Clary, weren’t you in the same position when you were seventeen? Hermione and Ron did what they could to help you, even if it meant leaving home and going on a dangerous mission. All we’re asking is—“

“We need you to keep an eye out in the Ministry, just in case Clary activates her trace that way you can easily distract them.” James cut me off as he looked at his dad and then smiled in my direction, “And I thought you said you would let me do the talking Kenzie.”

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks again, “Well… I knew you weren’t going to say anything since you’re so darn lazy!” I exclaimed, embarrassed and angry at the smirking Potter boy.

“I understand,” I heard Mr. Potter’s voice as James and I glanced in his direction to see him leaning against the wall as he rubbed his eyes, his glasses hanging loosely in his hand. “But I can’t lie to your mum.” Mr. Potter looked up and his green orbs held his son’s soft brown ones.

“You don’t have to, don’t tell mum.” James replied casually, “It’s not like she’s going to ask if we plan on doing something like this. When the time comes when I leave, then you can tell her what I’ve told you dad… But don’t try to stop me.”

Mr. Potter sighed once more as he looked up at us, “Okay then, I guess you can count me in.”

I smiled and glanced over at James to see him grinning as if he’s just won a war. I rolled my eyes before he collapsed back on his bed. Well, I sighed, there was one thing not to worry about anymore but the week is almost up and we still have no idea where we are suppose to go. I glanced towards James Potter. I smiled to myself; there was one silver lining in this death mission.


Very short chapter, but there's another one right after this one! :) So do not fret! Plus this was sort of an inside look of McKenzie's thoughts and what they planned on doing with James and his father! Sorry if it's not too good!

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