[Chapter 27]

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of Harry Potter characters or McKenzie McKay, who belongs to 3DaysFromLove


[Chapter 27]


            Rays of sunlight blinded my closed eyes as I tried to pull the sheets over my head, trying to block out the brightness. I groaned in frustration as I realized my plan was failing greatly, my hand moved to the empty space on my left. I felt around for some figure that was supposed to be next to me, but nothing was there. I instantly sat up from the bed and tried to open my eyes. However, it felt as if they were glued shut. Finally, with much work, my eyes fluttered open and took in the surroundings around me. It was bright, for one thing, and the space that once held the sleeping figure of Teddy Lupin was now empty. A frown appeared on my lips somewhat, before I lay back down and stretched my sore joints, hearing them crack in pleasure as I did. I yawned and smiled at the amazing sleep I had just had, so when I looked over at the small grandfather clock on the opposite side of the room, you can expect my shock when it read close to midday.

“Bloody hell!” I exclaimed as I bolted upright on the bed, suddenly feeling angry with myself for oversleeping. I tossed the sheets off of my exposed legs and swung them off the bed in an attempt to savage what time left I had. I scurried to the door, cracking it open just a bit to listen in and see if I could hear anything. I heard some noise coming from downstairs of idle conversations being tossed around. I quickly retreated back in the comfort of the room and went to the small bag, sticking my arm inside the purse looking for some clothes I could wear. Once I found my clothes I peeked outside once more before running off into the bathroom.

Today was a big day and it could very well be my last, so you can sure bet that I was going to at least have a shower.


            I sat in the kitchen, my eyes following rainbow boys’ movement like a hawk as I gnawed on my piece of toast. He had only came down thirty minutes ago to join me, McKenzie, Lara, Libby, Bradley and Camille as we had been eating an early brunch—and I must say he was exuberantly happy this midday. Teddy hummed to himself quietly as he looked around the kitchen area for some sort of food, which didn’t consist of much, but he was able to find himself some toast and fruit. He came over to the table and sat down, his smile make his face actually glow and his hair a bright bubble gum pink that matched his eyes. “Good Afternoon mates,” Teddy said with a large grin as the twins next to me raised their eyebrows curiously at him.

“You seem in a good mood Teddy,” Bradley said as Teddy just smiled.

“Oh I am, I slept bloody brilliant last night and I had a very beautiful morning.” Teddy replied with a grin as I glared at him. He was definitely hiding something.

“You seem a bit too happy for a morning like this,” I replied as I stared at Teddy suspiciously, there was definitely something off about this. I glanced over at McKenzie who seemed to notice the suspicious way Teddy was acting as well.

“What? Can’t I be happy in the morning?” Teddy asked with a grin as he bit down on his toast.

“You can be happy for mornings, but not for a morning like this.” Libby said as she looked at Teddy.

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